Volhosis (volhosis)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 26, 5:17:42pm UTC)
Races 30,784
Best last 10 races 232.08 wpm
Best single race 347.13 wpm
Average of fastest races
329.55 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 171.027 wpm (6,846 total texts raced)
Wins 19,731 (64.09%)
Points 3,413,493.44
Average career speed 148.15 wpm
Accuracy 97.68%
100% accuracy races 192.04 wpm (8.03% of all races)
Career standard deviation 26.75 wpm
Coefficient of variation 18.06%
Top marathon 2001 races in 24 hours, starting 2017 September 11, 4:57am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
July 2024 191.60 224.41 50 0 0
June 2024 195.30 239.77 214 57 26.64
May 2024 191.30 347.13 147 50 34.01
April 2024 194.42 327.07 138 101 73.19
March 2024 187.18 324.17 1,104 980 88.77
February 2024 176.40 198.99 4 1 25.00
January 2024 179.52 286.18 306 237 77.45
December 2023 179.94 209.43 11 1 9.09
November 2023 171.93 241.66 337 217 64.39
October 2023 176.22 204.82 15 0 0
September 2023 173.96 237.04 136 76 55.88
August 2023 169.88 199.39 60 23 38.33
July 2023 167.28 213.25 200 134 67.00
June 2023 173.74 217.18 49 30 61.22
May 2023 171.20 274.42 855 709 82.92
April 2023 162.78 231.86 507 380 74.95
March 2023 161.48 260.27 412 326 79.13
November 2022 208.27 208.27 1 0 0
October 2022 151.93 197.20 56 44 78.57
April 2022 214.97 214.97 1 0 0
December 2021 170.00 194.87 13 1 7.69
November 2021 167.94 169.73 2 0 0
October 2021 167.51 204.00 127 105 82.68
September 2021 168.72 225.04 197 128 64.97
August 2021 173.52 214.64 77 40 51.95
July 2021 169.38 235.77 248 153 61.69
June 2021 160.25 180.55 5 0 0
May 2021 156.99 179.05 4 0 0
April 2021 168.61 181.94 3 0 0
March 2021 174.94 195.77 7 0 0
February 2021 172.80 199.98 28 0 0
January 2021 165.43 183.47 17 5 29.41
December 2020 141.25 146.88 3 0 0
November 2020 159.57 169.42 5 3 60.00
October 2020 158.84 195.17 159 73 45.91
September 2020 158.98 194.39 91 36 39.56
August 2020 162.59 195.09 52 9 17.31
July 2020 161.70 235.69 152 68 44.74
June 2020 157.97 235.77 413 225 54.48
May 2020 163.42 226.31 136 92 67.65
April 2020 157.53 258.30 190 124 65.26
March 2020 156.89 255.24 435 255 58.62
February 2020 161.62 220.69 57 16 28.07
January 2020 153.88 166.41 12 5 41.67
December 2019 157.01 192.11 122 58 47.54
November 2019 158.72 183.62 46 23 50.00
October 2019 156.24 188.44 157 97 61.78
September 2019 164.27 273.50 192 68 35.42
August 2019 158.25 196.40 184 106 57.61
July 2019 158.66 209.68 959 823 85.82
June 2019 163.24 250.80 431 306 71.00
April 2019 155.96 233.59 376 263 69.95
March 2019 154.43 210.18 320 238 74.38
February 2019 158.15 336.82 848 639 75.35
January 2019 151.35 178.94 35 15 42.86
December 2018 153.70 259.60 904 632 69.91
November 2018 150.95 213.00 758 568 74.93
October 2018 153.09 281.73 564 350 62.06
September 2018 147.03 217.28 1,321 757 57.31
August 2018 149.36 289.45 917 574 62.60
July 2018 149.18 302.18 812 552 67.98
June 2018 153.77 290.76 667 470 70.46
May 2018 149.70 271.89 974 527 54.11
April 2018 146.24 261.54 1,202 660 54.91
March 2018 143.86 250.09 521 357 68.52
February 2018 143.26 271.06 1,152 678 58.85
January 2018 140.35 252.59 832 488 58.65
December 2017 137.68 226.13 1,448 744 51.38
November 2017 138.70 248.84 1,015 601 59.21
October 2017 131.30 232.54 1,505 759 50.43
September 2017 122.18 194.86 2,862 2,363 82.56
August 2017 121.70 161.52 265 148 55.85
July 2017 119.17 167.39 211 130 61.61
June 2017 117.44 160.64 464 230 49.57
May 2017 110.36 154.46 322 135 41.93
April 2017 108.03 147.10 605 301 49.75
March 2017 94.84 115.75 35 13 37.14
February 2017 106.01 109.26 3 2 66.67
January 2017 90.30 90.30 1 0 0
December 2016 97.25 115.27 25 13 52.00
November 2016 98.40 118.91 17 0 0
October 2016 92.52 119.22 140 30 21.43
September 2016 91.28 105.24 6 3 50.00
August 2016 85.14 109.05 68 19 27.94
List last races
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
30784. 2024-07-25 19:14:12 193.02 The presence of a noble nature, generous in its wishes, arde... No win (1 of 1) 99% 151
30783. 2024-07-24 20:55:59 168.83 Life is basically like a soap bubble. It rides on the wind, ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 132
30782. 2024-07-24 01:19:03 199.32 Take a drink, my friend, and say what you have in your heart... No win (1 of 1) 99% 103
30781. 2024-07-22 22:02:43 213.74 With people like us, you should hang out, get to know what t... No win (1 of 1) 99% 135
30780. 2024-07-22 22:01:40 205.44 Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought... No win (1 of 1) 99% 99
30779. 2024-07-20 22:51:55 183.48 People worry about losing species diversity in the rain fore... No win (1 of 1) 100% 208
30778. 2024-07-20 21:00:03 185.92 That woman has to show you're a fraud, but as far as the wor... No win (1 of 1) 99% 130
30777. 2024-07-17 11:49:44 193.99 I think we could do it if we tried, if only to say, you're m... No win (1 of 1) 98% 194
30776. 2024-07-10 12:08:47 198.98 Cause the world might do me in. It's all right cause I'm wit... No win (1 of 1) 99% 156
30775. 2024-07-09 09:55:38 190.70 I've never tried to keep a specific person alive before, and... No win (1 of 1) 98% 127
30774. 2024-07-09 09:49:50 185.76 I'll tell you why. I think you're a lonely person. I drive b... No win (1 of 1) 99% 294
30773. 2024-07-08 05:51:04 184.27 Eating, bathing, having a girlfriend, having an active socia... No win (1 of 1) 99% 114
30772. 2024-07-08 04:42:11 180.96 I don't want to talk about the things we've gone through. Th... No win (1 of 1) 100% 115
30771. 2024-07-08 02:49:52 194.93 I can always tell when you're lying. I also know that you ca... No win (1 of 1) 100% 162
30770. 2024-07-07 12:07:40 175.74 The whole point was to find a way to practice nuclear war wi... No win (1 of 1) 100% 117
30769. 2024-07-07 12:02:28 177.17 When you meet the right person, you know it. You can't stop ... No win (1 of 1) 100% 124
30768. 2024-07-07 07:59:37 193.68 When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow... No win (1 of 1) 98.9% 161
30767. 2024-07-07 03:06:18 184.42 It is not hard to make money in the market. What is hard to ... No win (1 of 1) 97.8% 117
30766. 2024-07-07 03:05:17 181.22 Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and figh... No win (1 of 1) 99.1% 142
30765. 2024-07-07 02:18:53 179.32 Lemon Boy and me started to get along together. I helped him... No win (1 of 1) 97.8% 126


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 30,784 347.13 171.03 6,846 July 25, 2024
French 230 134.53 94.19 133 April 9, 2023
New English Texts 117 181.88 123.66 107 January 27, 2019
House of Typing - September 2018 58 177.48 169.42 3 October 4, 2018
Spanish 51 114.65 90.94 49 May 20, 2020
Jon's Universe. Quack! 35 449.62 200.91 10 July 18, 2020
Coder Edition 33 133.77 82.40 14 January 28, 2024
Dutch 32 132.33 98.42 30 April 12, 2023
Portuguese 16 104.87 90.61 12 June 25, 2018
Instant Death Mode 14 208.30 139.78 14 November 12, 2023
Championship 2017 14 150.70 125.32 3 December 25, 2017
Danish 14 98.32 80.18 13 April 9, 2023
Nitro type 13 190.37 190.37 1 July 21, 2018
Easy Texts 13 164.62 149.71 11 January 22, 2024
Norwegian 12 93.52 80.90 11 April 9, 2023
KeeganT's Universe 11 270.04 231.73 6 May 17, 2020
Puns 9 191.59 175.34 9 October 8, 2018
Home of 2018's New Texts 8 176.72 132.31 8 November 15, 2018
Hungarian 7 69.57 61.52 7 May 9, 2018
Afrikaans 7 90.09 83.16 7 March 17, 2018
SAT Vocabulary 7 132.97 118.52 7 January 12, 2018
Bible 6 166.95 152.27 6 September 15, 2018
Italian 6 113.64 93.10 6 April 9, 2023
Finnish 5 68.19 60.94 5 April 9, 2023
Marathon 5 134.05 125.67 4 September 18, 2018
Swahili 4 98.43 90.41 4 April 9, 2023
Cheating Universe 4 131.30 108.74 4 July 25, 2018
German 4 87.78 83.68 4 May 9, 2018
Swedish 3 96.76 89.51 3 July 28, 2018
Valikor's Typeracer 3 161.05 148.99 3 July 11, 2018
Turkish 3 67.22 57.23 3 May 20, 2020
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 3 183.46 157.49 3 January 6, 2021
Filipino 2 88.29 86.80 2 January 22, 2018
Sean Wrona's Universe 2 150.60 149.58 2 January 8, 2018
Albanian 2 66.90 66.25 2 May 9, 2018
Malay 2 96.54 94.67 2 May 9, 2018
Welsh 2 90.36 82.75 2 July 4, 2018
Galician 2 83.94 81.19 2 July 28, 2018
Indonesian 2 83.61 81.92 2 April 9, 2023
dtt 2 123.52 121.67 2 December 29, 2017
Long Texts 1 101.16 101.16 1 April 22, 2017
Czech 1 52.80 52.80 1 May 9, 2018
My Lan Group 1 94.80 94.80 1 November 11, 2017
Estonian 1 67.42 67.42 1 July 28, 2018
pastebin.com/yd47Y898 1 179.07 179.07 1 July 5, 2018
Lithuanian 1 50.80 50.80 1 May 9, 2018
Family Guy Quotes 1 100.55 100.55 1 February 20, 2018
Repeating Words 1 204.97 204.97 1 August 23, 2021
Polish 1 72.79 72.79 1 May 20, 2020
Croatian 1 71.23 71.23 1 May 22, 2020
Romanian 1 6.62 6.62 1 March 6, 2018
TypeRacer Classic 1 175.56 175.56 1 July 13, 2021
TypeRacer for Kids 1 161.69 161.69 1 August 31, 2019
Book Contest 1 144.65 144.65 1 July 4, 2018