Volhosis (volhosis)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 27, 5:52:08am UTC)
Races 8
Best last 10 races 0 wpm
Best single race 176.72 wpm
Average of fastest races
132.31 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 132.3113 wpm (8 total texts raced)
Wins 0 (0%)
Points 1,158.73
Average career speed 132.31 wpm
Accuracy 97.75%
100% accuracy races 176.72 wpm (12.5% of all races)
Career standard deviation 22.27 wpm
Coefficient of variation 16.83%
Top marathon 5 races in 24 hours, starting 2018 September 26, 5:51am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
November 2018 157.80 176.72 2 0 0
October 2018 136.52 136.52 1 0 0
September 2018 121.28 151.31 5 0 0
List last races
List fastest races

Last 8 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
8. 2018-11-15 01:12:09 176.72 Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you ag... No win (1 of 1) 99.6% 118
7. 2018-11-15 01:09:41 138.87 A-tisket, A-tasket, a brown and yellow basket. I send a lett... No win (1 of 1) 98.6% 220
6. 2018-10-03 04:17:15 136.52 Though April showers may come your way, they bring the flowe... No win (1 of 1) 97.8% 148
5. 2018-09-26 05:56:13 108.99 We can only assume that as the human diet evolved, so did th... No win (1 of 1) 96.2% 118
4. 2018-09-26 05:54:41 124.23 The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held y... No win (1 of 1) 96.8% 186
3. 2018-09-26 05:53:46 151.31 What you do as soon as you get up can underpin and affect yo... No win (1 of 1) 97.8% 141
2. 2018-09-26 05:53:04 115.85 Rip One: To Rip One is to pass your gas with an unusually hi... No win (1 of 1) 96.8% 141
1. 2018-09-26 05:51:32 106.00 The Relaxed Sphincter: This type of fart is often followed b... No win (1 of 1) 97.1% 87


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 30,784 347.13 171.03 6,846 July 25, 2024
French 230 134.53 94.19 133 April 9, 2023
New English Texts 117 181.88 123.66 107 January 27, 2019
House of Typing - September 2018 58 177.48 169.42 3 October 4, 2018
Spanish 51 114.65 90.94 49 May 20, 2020
Jon's Universe. Quack! 35 449.62 200.91 10 July 18, 2020
Coder Edition 33 133.77 82.40 14 January 28, 2024
Dutch 32 132.33 98.42 30 April 12, 2023
Portuguese 16 104.87 90.61 12 June 25, 2018
Instant Death Mode 14 208.30 139.78 14 November 12, 2023
Championship 2017 14 150.70 125.32 3 December 25, 2017
Danish 14 98.32 80.18 13 April 9, 2023
Nitro type 13 190.37 190.37 1 July 21, 2018
Easy Texts 13 164.62 149.71 11 January 22, 2024
Norwegian 12 93.52 80.90 11 April 9, 2023
KeeganT's Universe 11 270.04 231.73 6 May 17, 2020
Puns 9 191.59 175.34 9 October 8, 2018
Home of 2018's New Texts 8 176.72 132.31 8 November 15, 2018
Hungarian 7 69.57 61.52 7 May 9, 2018
Afrikaans 7 90.09 83.16 7 March 17, 2018
SAT Vocabulary 7 132.97 118.52 7 January 12, 2018
Bible 6 166.95 152.27 6 September 15, 2018
Italian 6 113.64 93.10 6 April 9, 2023
Finnish 5 68.19 60.94 5 April 9, 2023
Marathon 5 134.05 125.67 4 September 18, 2018
Swahili 4 98.43 90.41 4 April 9, 2023
Cheating Universe 4 131.30 108.74 4 July 25, 2018
German 4 87.78 83.68 4 May 9, 2018
Swedish 3 96.76 89.51 3 July 28, 2018
Valikor's Typeracer 3 161.05 148.99 3 July 11, 2018
Turkish 3 67.22 57.23 3 May 20, 2020
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 3 183.46 157.49 3 January 6, 2021
Filipino 2 88.29 86.80 2 January 22, 2018
Sean Wrona's Universe 2 150.60 149.58 2 January 8, 2018
Albanian 2 66.90 66.25 2 May 9, 2018
Malay 2 96.54 94.67 2 May 9, 2018
Welsh 2 90.36 82.75 2 July 4, 2018
Galician 2 83.94 81.19 2 July 28, 2018
Indonesian 2 83.61 81.92 2 April 9, 2023
dtt 2 123.52 121.67 2 December 29, 2017
Long Texts 1 101.16 101.16 1 April 22, 2017
Czech 1 52.80 52.80 1 May 9, 2018
My Lan Group 1 94.80 94.80 1 November 11, 2017
Estonian 1 67.42 67.42 1 July 28, 2018
pastebin.com/yd47Y898 1 179.07 179.07 1 July 5, 2018
Lithuanian 1 50.80 50.80 1 May 9, 2018
Family Guy Quotes 1 100.55 100.55 1 February 20, 2018
Repeating Words 1 204.97 204.97 1 August 23, 2021
Polish 1 72.79 72.79 1 May 20, 2020
Croatian 1 71.23 71.23 1 May 22, 2020
Romanian 1 6.62 6.62 1 March 6, 2018
TypeRacer Classic 1 175.56 175.56 1 July 13, 2021
TypeRacer for Kids 1 161.69 161.69 1 August 31, 2019
Book Contest 1 144.65 144.65 1 July 4, 2018