. (oh_hai)

Country: New Zealand

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 27, 4:40:46am UTC)
Races 16,089
Best last 10 races 186.83 wpm
Best single race 278.11 wpm
Average of fastest races
234.62 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 165.3176 wpm (3,223 total texts raced)
Wins 13,117 (81.53%)
Points 750,171.53
Average career speed 150.41 wpm
Accuracy 93.93%
100% accuracy races 176.95 wpm (5.54% of all races)
Career standard deviation 17.07 wpm
Coefficient of variation 11.35%
Top marathon 195 races in 24 hours, starting 2020 August 18, 2:11pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
April 2024 201.39 207.01 2 1 50.00
March 2024 264.44 278.11 3 3 100
February 2023 168.35 187.00 10 9 90.00
January 2023 159.38 194.24 50 43 86.00
December 2022 155.25 198.78 167 142 85.03
November 2022 159.31 193.71 76 76 100
June 2022 167.43 190.59 12 12 100
April 2022 162.79 195.60 88 81 92.05
January 2022 160.89 204.76 16 15 93.75
December 2021 153.44 180.83 45 27 60.00
October 2021 159.07 202.32 142 106 74.65
September 2021 161.00 202.00 16 12 75.00
August 2021 163.53 199.02 21 16 76.19
June 2021 160.17 198.82 33 31 93.94
May 2021 160.61 199.66 56 47 83.93
April 2021 157.82 205.99 235 183 77.87
March 2021 166.10 213.30 73 65 89.04
February 2021 159.29 186.36 42 36 85.71
January 2021 158.63 190.06 31 28 90.32
December 2020 157.67 193.96 19 17 89.47
November 2020 159.49 182.07 21 20 95.24
September 2020 162.36 190.59 63 59 93.65
August 2020 153.45 213.64 810 620 76.54
May 2020 158.25 212.50 75 61 81.33
April 2020 165.39 194.21 40 34 85.00
March 2020 155.01 205.87 782 568 72.63
February 2020 165.40 216.95 115 109 94.78
January 2020 167.82 203.78 55 55 100
December 2019 166.73 217.93 82 77 93.90
August 2019 174.71 194.65 14 14 100
April 2019 153.49 193.07 138 89 64.49
December 2018 152.43 186.92 68 43 63.24
November 2018 160.37 185.17 18 16 88.89
October 2018 171.79 175.84 3 3 100
September 2018 158.76 195.63 46 41 89.13
August 2018 165.94 191.68 35 33 94.29
July 2018 157.57 199.28 175 121 69.14
April 2018 158.40 187.15 59 59 100
March 2018 161.77 207.51 523 464 88.72
February 2018 157.59 228.68 356 291 81.74
January 2018 148.32 200.98 325 227 69.85
November 2017 168.10 196.60 22 22 100
September 2017 152.25 179.38 14 11 78.57
August 2017 153.02 198.43 233 194 83.26
July 2017 150.71 209.16 431 291 67.52
June 2017 149.33 221.05 309 199 64.40
May 2017 150.22 217.89 469 357 76.12
April 2017 151.86 222.99 322 218 67.70
March 2017 151.56 192.40 210 166 79.05
February 2017 149.69 200.63 105 77 73.33
January 2017 155.61 193.25 41 39 95.12
November 2016 148.90 190.21 115 74 64.35
September 2016 149.31 183.84 101 88 87.13
June 2016 151.20 184.90 94 84 89.36
May 2016 149.98 189.15 108 73 67.59
September 2015 157.22 186.85 18 17 94.44
August 2015 145.42 184.57 88 60 68.18
July 2015 148.96 201.63 344 297 86.34
June 2015 148.84 198.23 362 314 86.74
May 2015 147.74 206.96 281 227 80.78
April 2015 153.06 198.43 165 146 88.48
March 2015 147.82 181.14 36 31 86.11
February 2015 146.47 188.92 249 216 86.75
January 2015 146.64 193.94 435 358 82.30
December 2014 146.72 187.25 521 450 86.37
November 2014 150.51 193.30 351 325 92.59
October 2014 141.19 179.03 85 57 67.06
September 2014 134.85 174.88 57 40 70.18
July 2014 158.63 193.20 74 70 94.59
June 2014 162.75 196.24 45 43 95.56
May 2014 160.24 191.09 27 26 96.30
April 2014 146.31 201.13 38 32 84.21
March 2014 147.31 184.90 75 66 88.00
February 2014 149.84 186.93 216 182 84.26
January 2014 154.27 198.35 327 277 84.71
December 2013 153.96 198.42 285 249 87.37
November 2013 146.29 157.29 5 5 100
September 2013 152.55 167.78 13 13 100
July 2013 146.10 161.76 9 7 77.78
June 2013 154.45 174.89 12 12 100
May 2013 159.47 175.68 32 29 90.63
April 2013 150.68 183.98 78 62 79.49
March 2013 166.31 178.71 7 7 100
January 2013 161.32 194.10 80 71 88.75
December 2012 147.02 193.35 275 207 75.27
November 2012 145.55 183.51 58 37 63.79
October 2012 147.46 187.09 199 166 83.42
September 2012 151.03 179.51 135 103 76.30
August 2012 146.62 174.45 287 234 81.53
July 2012 144.95 180.70 476 405 85.08
June 2012 146.97 182.83 147 125 85.03
May 2012 143.80 183.77 412 362 87.86
April 2012 140.82 176.13 705 595 84.40
March 2012 142.56 167.81 175 155 88.57
February 2012 144.94 175.18 91 85 93.41
January 2012 143.98 185.97 269 246 91.45
December 2011 140.12 170.17 403 360 89.33
November 2011 136.58 169.25 89 71 79.78
October 2011 137.05 170.42 80 75 93.75
May 2011 143.10 163.74 57 49 85.96
April 2011 134.14 161.03 40 32 80.00
December 2010 129.88 166.63 43 33 76.74
November 2010 125.03 132.77 3 2 66.67
October 2010 126.34 145.88 12 12 100
September 2010 114.79 131.53 11 11 100
August 2010 124.88 153.24 10 7 70.00
June 2010 125.35 140.93 22 18 81.82
April 2010 142.84 152.92 10 8 80.00
March 2010 122.08 144.55 44 39 88.64
February 2010 102.02 132.96 66 35 53.03
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
16089. 2024-04-04 06:43:13 207.01 Caddy got the box and set it on the floor and opened it. It ... Win (1 of 2) 100% 117
16088. 2024-04-04 06:41:20 195.76 When for years you wake up to having to win every battle eve... No win (1 of 1) 99.1% 144
16087. 2024-03-23 11:49:12 257.10 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 43
16086. 2024-03-08 12:42:04 278.11 It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. Win (1 of 2) 100% 42
16085. 2024-03-08 12:39:11 258.12 It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. Win (1 of 2) 100% 39
16084. 2023-02-02 09:33:29 164.12 Tell me again, was it love at first sight when I walked by a... Win (1 of 4) 99% 96
16083. 2023-02-02 09:33:01 161.76 I've paid my dues time after time. I've done my sentence but... Win (1 of 4) 99% 97
16082. 2023-02-02 09:32:41 181.60 And baseball was proof positive that democracy was real. A b... Win (1 of 5) 99% 173
16081. 2023-02-02 09:31:56 168.33 So don't be afraid to make mistakes, stumble and fall, becau... Win (1 of 3) 98% 180
16080. 2023-02-02 09:31:05 157.05 Here is the average person's daily attention training: They ... Win (1 of 5) 98% 332
16079. 2023-02-02 09:29:50 159.55 There was this kid I grew up with; he was younger than me. S... Win (1 of 3) 99% 146
16078. 2023-02-02 09:29:04 166.04 There are times when all the world's asleep, the questions r... Win (1 of 2) 98% 108
16077. 2023-02-02 09:27:57 178.82 If one must drink, then let one drink thrice a month, for mo... Win (1 of 3) 99% 146
16076. 2023-02-02 09:27:22 159.21 Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunli... Win (1 of 4) 98% 175
16075. 2023-02-02 09:26:22 187.00 And I will say that we should take a day to break away from ... No win (1 of 1) 100% 162
16074. 2023-01-31 12:21:22 154.95 Half the time she did things not simply, not for themselves;... Win (1 of 5) 97% 85
16073. 2023-01-31 12:20:55 153.35 Hello darkness, my old friend, I've come to talk with you ag... No win (2 of 3) 97% 102
16072. 2023-01-31 12:20:25 151.40 Let's sort the buyers from the spiers, the needy from the gr... No win (2 of 3) 97% 106
16071. 2023-01-31 12:18:44 172.13 What's morality? It's the difference between what is right a... Win (1 of 2) 100% 40
16070. 2023-01-31 12:18:26 144.01 What's morality? It's the difference between what is right a... Win (1 of 3) 98% 34


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 16,089 278.11 165.32 3,223 April 4, 2024
Easy Texts 36 189.15 153.80 23 November 4, 2012
Malay 21 103.81 85.31 18 January 2, 2014
Bible (NKJV) 15 205.63 156.14 7 December 11, 2014
Coder Edition 13 159.07 130.05 3 August 30, 2019
SAT Vocabulary 7 158.52 132.59 7 October 23, 2015
Dutch 7 150.36 108.52 4 October 27, 2017
Indonesian 7 99.59 85.99 6 September 20, 2012
Bible 5 178.18 151.65 5 April 13, 2012
Long Texts 5 134.22 131.69 2 April 10, 2011
French 4 96.34 92.32 4 September 22, 2012
Welsh 4 81.28 70.46 4 April 22, 2011
Family Guy Quotes 4 152.00 128.20 3 July 6, 2012
Swahili 3 71.57 70.10 3 May 14, 2012
Afrikaans 3 97.04 94.53 3 May 15, 2012
Italian 3 98.21 88.59 3 September 22, 2012
Filipino 2 92.52 88.52 2 May 15, 2012
New Quotes 2 203.63 203.63 1 November 5, 2012
belinday 1 131.27 131.27 1 December 10, 2012
Spanish 1 89.90 89.90 1 December 5, 2012