. (oh_hai)
Country: New Zealand
Update races (Last import: 2024 September 17, 7:02:45am UTC)
Races |
7 |
Best last 10 races |
0 wpm |
Best single race |
158.52 wpm |
132.59 wpm |
Fastest race from each text, average |
132.59 wpm (7 total texts raced) |
Wins |
6 (85.71%) |
Points |
0.00 |
Average career speed |
132.59 wpm |
Accuracy |
97% |
100% accuracy races |
0 wpm (0% of all races) |
Career standard deviation |
13.05 wpm |
Coefficient of variation |
9.84% |
Top marathon |
2 races in 24 hours, starting 2011 April 10, 8:28am |
View Pit Stop page for . (oh_hai)
View text analysis of races by . (oh_hai)
Last 7 Races
Universe |
Races |
Best Race |
Text Bests |
Texts |
Last Race |
Default (English) |
16,089 |
278.11 |
165.32 |
3,223 |
April 4, 2024 |
Easy Texts |
36 |
189.15 |
153.80 |
23 |
November 4, 2012 |
Malay |
21 |
103.81 |
85.31 |
18 |
January 2, 2014 |
Bible (NKJV) |
15 |
205.63 |
156.14 |
7 |
December 11, 2014 |
Coder Edition |
13 |
159.07 |
130.05 |
3 |
August 30, 2019 |
SAT Vocabulary |
7 |
158.52 |
132.59 |
7 |
October 23, 2015 |
Dutch |
7 |
150.36 |
108.52 |
4 |
October 27, 2017 |
Indonesian |
7 |
99.59 |
85.99 |
6 |
September 20, 2012 |
Bible |
5 |
178.18 |
151.65 |
5 |
April 13, 2012 |
Long Texts |
5 |
134.22 |
131.69 |
2 |
April 10, 2011 |
French |
4 |
96.34 |
92.32 |
4 |
September 22, 2012 |
Welsh |
4 |
81.28 |
70.46 |
4 |
April 22, 2011 |
Family Guy Quotes |
4 |
152.00 |
128.20 |
3 |
July 6, 2012 |
Swahili |
3 |
71.57 |
70.10 |
3 |
May 14, 2012 |
Afrikaans |
3 |
97.04 |
94.53 |
3 |
May 15, 2012 |
Italian |
3 |
98.21 |
88.59 |
3 |
September 22, 2012 |
Filipino |
2 |
92.52 |
88.52 |
2 |
May 15, 2012 |
New Quotes |
2 |
203.63 |
203.63 |
1 |
November 5, 2012 |
belinday |
1 |
131.27 |
131.27 |
1 |
December 10, 2012 |
Spanish |
1 |
89.90 |
89.90 |
1 |
December 5, 2012 |