Jesse (jessegarcia)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 17, 2:59:36pm UTC)
Races 170,690
Best last 10 races 173.04 wpm
Best single race 226.29 wpm
Average of fastest races
215.8 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 161.6245 wpm (4,824 total texts raced)
Wins 116,554 (68.28%)
Points 11,716,678.34
Average career speed 130.45 wpm
Accuracy 95%
100% accuracy races 162.92 wpm (3.31% of all races)
Career standard deviation 18.84 wpm
Coefficient of variation 14.44%
Top marathon 543 races in 24 hours, starting 2019 February 21, 5:06pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
December 2022 160.62 194.88 46 30 65.22
March 2022 182.64 182.64 1 0 0
February 2022 153.68 214.66 1,359 1,045 76.89
January 2022 152.71 211.18 3,016 2,455 81.40
December 2021 154.53 218.70 829 679 81.91
January 2021 159.28 179.21 11 10 90.91
November 2020 144.42 201.14 1,409 1,018 72.25
October 2020 142.44 201.56 1,899 1,413 74.41
September 2020 136.05 184.43 37 29 78.38
August 2020 137.18 197.09 191 108 56.54
July 2020 146.67 204.49 644 474 73.60
June 2020 144.53 209.23 2,148 1,590 74.02
May 2020 146.26 215.92 3,321 2,583 77.78
April 2020 140.08 223.54 3,641 2,664 73.17
December 2019 141.21 197.51 3,378 2,725 80.67
November 2019 142.44 204.78 3,608 2,957 81.96
October 2019 143.32 190.79 2,314 1,910 82.54
September 2019 144.44 202.33 1,959 1,581 80.70
August 2019 142.64 214.57 1,225 916 74.78
July 2019 141.29 191.42 3,750 2,862 76.32
June 2019 142.64 205.59 2,328 1,790 76.89
April 2019 139.40 208.83 6,399 4,586 71.67
March 2019 139.16 202.59 5,100 3,569 69.98
February 2019 135.88 192.27 6,914 4,562 65.98
January 2019 132.56 193.90 3,534 2,275 64.37
December 2018 135.41 226.29 3,917 2,768 70.67
November 2018 137.72 206.79 1,638 1,136 69.35
September 2018 137.83 184.65 1,095 693 63.29
August 2018 139.49 197.27 2,304 1,560 67.71
July 2018 141.63 190.27 1,977 1,369 69.25
June 2018 139.63 199.84 2,790 2,080 74.55
May 2018 138.00 188.73 3,474 2,499 71.93
April 2018 136.52 190.48 2,100 1,488 70.86
March 2018 133.27 185.18 2,954 2,171 73.49
February 2018 133.08 191.69 2,768 1,989 71.86
January 2018 130.43 178.95 1,349 824 61.08
December 2017 130.06 172.24 750 490 65.33
November 2017 124.88 155.98 115 63 54.78
August 2017 137.61 188.72 1,488 1,105 74.26
July 2017 135.00 205.35 4,694 3,325 70.84
June 2017 134.78 193.97 5,265 3,857 73.26
May 2017 133.25 210.70 3,035 1,929 63.56
August 2016 119.97 178.27 1,073 692 64.49
July 2016 124.51 173.98 3,310 2,266 68.46
June 2016 121.00 174.85 5,391 3,331 61.79
May 2016 124.16 176.82 3,481 2,322 66.70
April 2016 126.20 178.71 2,058 1,430 69.48
March 2016 124.59 175.65 1,851 1,262 68.18
February 2016 123.43 176.84 2,089 1,397 66.87
January 2016 118.49 165.76 5,628 3,533 62.78
December 2015 124.21 163.54 1,125 735 65.33
November 2015 108.28 133.71 18 10 55.56
October 2015 120.93 161.07 80 49 61.25
September 2015 118.85 158.57 762 458 60.10
August 2015 119.93 161.64 1,915 1,262 65.90
July 2015 114.48 172.83 2,863 1,751 61.16
June 2015 114.90 166.15 4,562 2,737 60.00
May 2015 117.98 173.47 4,536 2,763 60.91
April 2015 121.70 159.19 1,186 825 69.56
March 2015 116.63 160.06 595 395 66.39
February 2015 117.11 156.69 237 134 56.54
January 2015 122.38 153.70 212 143 67.45
December 2014 118.25 146.58 37 25 67.57
November 2014 121.29 137.72 14 7 50.00
October 2014 117.26 155.50 645 385 59.69
September 2014 117.76 156.37 507 297 58.58
August 2014 117.36 159.39 544 348 63.97
July 2014 113.93 158.15 2,730 1,623 59.45
June 2014 115.30 163.16 2,858 1,662 58.15
May 2014 115.08 160.44 2,006 1,256 62.61
April 2014 115.48 155.68 1,511 953 63.07
March 2014 114.11 157.93 722 426 59.00
February 2014 111.26 149.25 456 248 54.39
January 2014 115.86 131.81 3 0 0
December 2013 109.75 151.29 60 40 66.67
November 2013 114.57 141.83 49 34 69.39
October 2013 113.42 145.27 818 477 58.31
September 2013 113.40 151.13 627 405 64.59
August 2013 109.74 145.90 335 183 54.63
July 2013 110.51 146.72 479 286 59.71
June 2013 111.54 146.24 725 436 60.14
May 2013 110.33 149.81 960 546 56.88
April 2013 106.80 147.01 934 557 59.64
March 2013 107.27 144.88 286 165 57.69
February 2013 104.09 137.93 1,007 516 51.24
January 2013 106.55 152.60 476 258 54.20
December 2012 107.30 127.22 10 9 90.00
November 2012 105.76 147.86 1,219 666 54.63
October 2012 107.84 148.03 1,770 944 53.33
September 2012 109.51 139.87 243 134 55.14
August 2012 105.88 139.40 2,638 1,333 50.53
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
170690. 2022-12-30 00:34:51 169.54 The weird thing about houses is that they almost always look... Win (1 of 3) 98% 105
170689. 2022-12-30 00:34:16 169.77 The only problem with the treatment was that it worked too w... No win (2 of 2) 99% 113
170688. 2022-12-30 00:33:12 167.73 To be, or not to be: that is the question: whether 'tis nobl... Win (1 of 3) 98% 109
170687. 2022-12-30 00:32:19 143.22 Has it been five years? Six? It seems like a lifetime, the k... No win (3 of 4) 96% 169
170686. 2022-12-30 00:31:36 175.65 There is some love that will not go away. You're here, there... No win (2 of 5) 98% 102
170685. 2022-12-30 00:30:52 187.91 I have lived my life to the best of my ability. But I have n... Win (1 of 5) 99% 150
170684. 2022-12-30 00:30:20 170.50 Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it migh... Win (1 of 5) 98% 108
170683. 2022-12-30 00:29:52 158.56 This made me reflect, how vain an attempt it is for a man to... Win (1 of 3) 99% 87
170682. 2022-12-30 00:29:03 183.81 She was at that modulating point between indifference and lo... Win (1 of 3) 99% 135
170681. 2022-12-30 00:28:27 175.35 For as long as a single man is forced to cower under the iro... Win (1 of 4) 100% 114
170680. 2022-12-30 00:26:56 159.48 No matter where you stand on the long path, right now, try v... No win (3 of 4) 98% 61
170679. 2022-12-30 00:26:10 153.57 The problem is we don't notice the years pass, he thought. S... No win (2 of 2) 97% 166
170678. 2022-12-30 00:25:27 134.64 No one can hurry me down to Hades before my time, but if a m... No win (3 of 3) 97% 83
170677. 2022-12-30 00:24:57 153.32 Despair comes slowly, crawling its way up inside you until i... No win (2 of 4) 97% 110
170676. 2022-12-30 00:24:20 130.45 It is known that many of the germs which cause diseases cann... Win (1 of 5) 96% 189
170675. 2022-12-30 00:23:11 126.48 This is the first day of my life. I swear I was born right i... No win (3 of 3) 97% 148
170674. 2022-12-30 00:22:02 194.88 I never did like the idea of sitting on newspapers. I did it... No win (1 of 1) 99% 172
170673. 2022-12-25 23:47:37 174.13 One of you go find the forest ranger. Since we're done with ... Win (1 of 3) 99% 177
170672. 2022-12-25 23:46:07 167.79 I'd just like to point out that you were given every opportu... No win (2 of 2) 99% 182
170671. 2022-12-25 23:42:39 189.04 And I have one of those very loud, stupid laughs. I mean if ... No win (2 of 3) 100% 107


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 170,690 226.29 161.62 4,824 December 30, 2022
Instant Death Mode 2 169.33 156.47 2 July 9, 2019
belinday 2 135.21 135.21 1 August 19, 2020