Achromatic - (bladevampirek)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 25, 11:17:52pm UTC)
Races 49,339
Best last 10 races 0 wpm
Best single race 218.27 wpm
Average of fastest races
372.86 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 124.3526 wpm (8,192 total texts raced)
Wins 24,081 (48.81%)
Points 4,489,192.68
Average career speed 110.86 wpm
Accuracy 98%
100% accuracy races 126.05 wpm (18.21% of all races)
Career standard deviation 17.35 wpm
Coefficient of variation 15.65%
Top marathon 0 races in 24 hours, starting 1970 January 1, 12:00am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
July 2024 99.45 130.25 8 6 75.00
June 2024 108.34 142.11 122 65 53.28
May 2024 106.54 130.04 55 34 61.82
March 2024 103.09 103.68 2 2 100
February 2024 107.41 132.07 30 18 60.00
January 2024 116.88 149.81 220 117 53.18
December 2023 117.52 158.51 1,034 447 43.23
September 2023 123.97 124.27 2 2 100
July 2023 117.04 194.95 515 301 58.45
June 2023 110.25 130.90 111 65 58.56
May 2023 110.13 133.37 114 89 78.07
April 2023 111.17 132.81 159 75 47.17
February 2023 108.85 134.87 13 11 84.62
January 2023 118.27 133.03 20 19 95.00
September 2022 112.20 123.25 11 10 90.91
July 2022 117.01 127.91 4 4 100
June 2022 119.68 126.86 11 4 36.36
May 2022 119.56 215.51 1,073 536 49.95
April 2021 119.16 151.81 120 59 49.17
March 2021 121.66 210.45 779 399 51.22
January 2021 124.98 155.03 647 354 54.71
December 2020 121.91 211.63 1,325 727 54.87
November 2020 120.32 204.13 1,146 644 56.20
October 2020 120.53 218.27 1,125 671 59.64
September 2020 117.17 197.83 2,334 1,128 48.33
August 2020 118.94 201.72 2,470 1,376 55.71
July 2020 121.64 215.19 1,240 671 54.11
June 2020 118.95 203.46 1,929 986 51.11
May 2020 119.87 216.34 1,539 728 47.30
April 2020 116.75 201.14 2,006 954 47.56
March 2020 117.17 185.59 2,394 1,156 48.29
February 2020 116.67 190.41 1,394 740 53.08
January 2020 116.03 210.21 1,051 628 59.75
December 2019 116.72 738.92 1,580 826 52.28
November 2019 113.49 180.60 2,212 1,003 45.34
October 2019 113.83 171.97 1,696 842 49.65
September 2019 111.68 168.26 1,783 905 50.76
August 2019 107.94 142.32 1,689 877 51.92
July 2019 108.05 151.26 657 364 55.40
June 2019 102.80 130.95 156 50 32.05
May 2019 106.01 141.35 241 122 50.62
April 2019 106.50 150.52 386 193 50.00
March 2019 102.11 154.56 1,319 574 43.52
February 2019 104.07 146.54 1,518 701 46.18
January 2019 104.11 151.51 466 187 40.13
December 2018 98.08 149.14 579 243 41.97
November 2018 99.35 146.94 288 107 37.15
September 2018 99.22 121.95 33 17 51.52
August 2018 99.40 131.30 1,658 717 43.24
July 2018 101.93 124.40 519 228 43.93
June 2018 100.68 129.39 1,535 660 43.00
May 2018 99.92 119.50 110 37 33.64
March 2018 99.98 116.53 3 2 66.67
February 2018 97.44 119.54 133 54 40.60
January 2018 89.48 117.50 45 19 42.22
December 2017 95.81 122.20 140 58 41.43
November 2017 95.70 124.05 959 356 37.12
October 2017 91.60 115.34 389 138 35.48
September 2017 92.88 116.53 540 173 32.04
August 2017 87.91 104.55 27 9 33.33
July 2017 90.76 106.54 65 31 47.69
May 2017 87.10 108.50 198 78 39.39
April 2017 87.98 103.54 26 6 23.08
March 2017 91.69 114.90 356 144 40.45
February 2017 90.52 106.05 36 16 44.44
December 2016 87.59 108.79 88 33 37.50
November 2016 86.47 100.33 17 5 29.41
October 2016 92.41 99.12 3 2 66.67
December 2015 83.81 95.83 19 6 31.58
November 2015 86.53 105.17 36 13 36.11
September 2015 89.80 110.17 55 31 56.36
August 2015 98.83 98.83 1 0 0
March 2015 88.31 114.34 152 73 48.03
February 2015 90.15 104.50 10 4 40.00
November 2014 83.98 105.69 27 5 18.52
October 2014 88.91 105.77 12 5 41.67
March 2014 88.77 108.28 19 8 42.11
February 2014 101.52 101.52 1 1 100
January 2014 88.13 110.98 50 25 50.00
December 2013 84.91 99.57 25 12 48.00
November 2013 86.40 100.63 34 16 47.06
October 2013 88.81 94.02 2 2 100
September 2013 88.49 94.88 10 7 70.00
July 2013 83.42 103.26 129 42 32.56
June 2013 80.70 95.20 23 8 34.78
May 2013 82.61 99.86 158 111 70.25
April 2013 82.86 98.12 40 22 55.00
February 2013 79.65 101.22 507 186 36.69
January 2013 76.21 104.17 312 150 48.08
December 2012 73.93 95.70 62 27 43.55
November 2012 62.33 75.26 52 11 21.15
August 2012 73.23 95.70 294 95 32.31
July 2012 70.34 79.05 7 4 57.14
February 2012 65.83 71.26 4 0 0
January 2012 67.58 89.72 93 39 41.94
May 2011 61.22 75.21 5 5 100
January 2010 60.00 81.07 70 31 44.29
August 2009 58.85 67.15 5 4 80.00
October 2008 53.57 81.96 147 52 35.37
List last races
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
49339. 2024-07-24 05:47:53 118.65 Whatever you are physically, male or female, strong or weak,... No win (2 of 5) 99% 119
49338. 2024-07-21 13:59:05 93.62 Bata as claras em neve e reserve. Misture as gemas, a margar... Win (1 of 2) 100% 69
49337. 2024-07-21 13:50:36 91.78 Bata as claras em neve e reserve. Misture as gemas, a margar... Win (1 of 2) 100% 67
49336. 2024-07-21 13:26:14 92.00 Bata as claras em neve e reserve. Misture as gemas, a margar... Win (1 of 2) 100% 67
49335. 2024-07-21 13:06:46 91.27 Bata as claras em neve e reserve. Misture as gemas, a margar... Win (1 of 2) 100% 67
49334. 2024-07-21 12:57:16 89.81 Bata as claras em neve e reserve. Misture as gemas, a margar... Win (1 of 2) 100% 66
49333. 2024-07-21 12:55:30 88.25 Bata as claras em neve e reserve. Misture as gemas, a margar... No win (2 of 2) 100% 65
49332. 2024-07-21 04:01:31 130.25 I will rain down silver and gold for you. I will shatter the... Win (1 of 2) 100% 119
49331. 2024-06-26 00:47:58 130.45 I will rain down silver and gold for you. I will shatter the... No win (1 of 1) 99.6% 120
49330. 2024-06-23 17:37:03 122.74 We passionately long that there may be another life in which... Win (1 of 2) 99.4% 119
49329. 2024-06-23 17:34:50 106.10 I do not see it. It is interesting that people try to find m... Win (1 of 2) 98.3% 83
49328. 2024-06-21 15:18:42 68.31 The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many ... No win (4 of 5) 99% 44
49327. 2024-06-17 07:02:33 100.28 When I was a child, I heard voices. Some would sing and some... No win (2 of 5) 98.2% 134
49326. 2024-06-17 07:01:29 98.42 I don't feel like that now. I feel that as long as the Shire... No win (4 of 4) 96.8% 71
49325. 2024-06-17 07:00:48 115.55 Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no coven... No win (2 of 5) 99.7% 112
49324. 2024-06-17 06:59:59 127.40 Sam was the only member of the party who had not been over t... Win (1 of 5) 100% 89
49323. 2024-06-17 06:59:25 117.07 Because she doesn't just give you a present, she gives you a... Win (1 of 3) 98.5% 137
49322. 2024-06-17 06:58:30 129.73 I want to defeat the me that's dragging this failure around.... Win (1 of 5) 100% 80
49321. 2024-06-17 06:58:05 100.87 If only you'd attached my legs, I wouldn't be in this ridicu... Win (1 of 5) 98.4% 45
49320. 2024-06-17 06:57:37 114.86 There's something moving through the windows and walls, I've... No win (3 of 5) 99% 59


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 49,339 218.27 124.35 8,192 July 24, 2024
Easy Texts 2,068 171.47 138.00 83 June 8, 2024
Instant Death Mode 1,888 147.85 101.37 1,487 January 15, 2024
spu and his friends 369 144.02 119.09 117 September 28, 2020
Coder Edition 144 92.33 67.28 19 May 24, 2020
Dictionary 99 147.58 121.71 74 July 10, 2023
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 58 131.62 102.52 4 December 21, 2020
Copypasta 38 127.74 113.78 37 December 19, 2023
o4do0q2x8u 29 119.25 102.46 29 February 3, 2019
German 22 96.39 77.12 22 September 28, 2020
Indonesian 16 98.31 80.82 12 December 24, 2020
Italian 11 90.52 79.86 11 April 27, 2020
Afrikaans 11 94.00 86.15 11 April 27, 2020
KeeganT's Universe 9 137.54 137.54 1 May 17, 2020
Japanese 5 151.61 151.61 1 May 24, 2020
Dutch 4 84.18 77.33 4 August 19, 2020
Swahili 3 54.71 47.81 3 January 15, 2019
Long Texts 1 99.10 99.10 1 July 25, 2019
Marathon 1 94.55 94.55 1 July 25, 2019
timjeffery44 1 140.78 140.78 1 April 20, 2020