
Country: Germany

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 26, 2:28:01am UTC)
Races 90,465
Best last 10 races 216.37 wpm
Best single race 304.73 wpm
Average of fastest races
290.28 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 145.6823 wpm (7,917 total texts raced)
Wins 40,088 (44.31%)
Points 7,080,935.24
Average career speed 126.11 wpm
Accuracy 97.93%
100% accuracy races 159.09 wpm (15.25% of all races)
Career standard deviation 28.69 wpm
Coefficient of variation 22.75%
Top marathon 3514 races in 24 hours, starting 2021 December 26, 11:38pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
July 2024 163.19 212.03 41 3 7.32
June 2024 162.82 304.73 389 160 41.13
May 2024 163.94 288.44 266 53 19.92
April 2024 157.70 283.85 2,266 1,044 46.07
March 2024 160.03 285.01 1,460 249 17.05
February 2024 155.44 256.89 683 508 74.38
January 2024 157.95 242.35 494 359 72.67
December 2023 152.65 250.89 1,669 361 21.63
November 2023 153.24 248.68 567 74 13.05
October 2023 152.35 249.82 702 182 25.93
September 2023 149.82 245.24 62 1 1.61
August 2023 156.10 244.56 120 21 17.50
July 2023 144.83 170.38 22 7 31.82
June 2023 156.55 219.13 17 2 11.76
May 2023 151.71 238.95 236 42 17.80
April 2023 152.83 240.57 1,000 779 77.90
March 2023 153.55 266.37 1,187 331 27.89
February 2023 150.35 234.51 1,000 770 77.00
January 2023 153.73 237.11 1,000 632 63.20
December 2022 135.31 258.49 2,277 1,985 87.18
November 2022 145.76 256.80 1,000 528 52.80
October 2022 144.20 254.49 1,000 680 68.00
September 2022 146.49 245.15 1,000 122 12.20
August 2022 144.49 270.02 1,412 216 15.30
July 2022 143.83 241.14 1,111 103 9.27
June 2022 146.04 251.69 1,000 150 15.00
May 2022 144.81 268.49 1,001 585 58.44
April 2022 148.29 266.17 1,000 233 23.30
March 2022 144.20 259.44 1,000 372 37.20
February 2022 134.10 257.83 10,101 10,052 99.51
January 2022 141.82 263.29 1,000 349 34.90
December 2021 128.62 252.86 5,634 3,991 70.84
November 2021 137.55 249.12 1,427 1,057 74.07
October 2021 140.00 231.15 1,004 248 24.70
September 2021 138.36 247.99 1,153 486 42.15
August 2021 130.91 235.22 2,416 498 20.61
July 2021 137.15 227.73 1,167 403 34.53
June 2021 133.36 225.69 1,001 483 48.25
May 2021 134.47 230.69 1,111 451 40.59
April 2021 134.52 209.16 1,109 305 27.50
March 2021 127.34 210.90 1,000 600 60.00
January 2021 126.46 206.96 1,729 469 27.13
December 2020 117.48 199.55 1,504 628 41.76
November 2020 122.76 206.53 1,000 46 4.60
October 2020 123.35 189.25 1,000 125 12.50
September 2020 116.76 191.04 1,000 134 13.40
August 2020 115.45 197.93 6,694 313 4.68
July 2020 109.54 186.64 1,224 222 18.14
June 2020 112.57 191.83 1,163 166 14.27
May 2020 112.36 184.28 1,732 301 17.38
April 2020 110.21 168.85 1,137 317 27.88
March 2020 106.12 171.15 1,073 306 28.52
February 2020 97.98 164.42 3,518 3,090 87.83
January 2020 100.00 182.74 2,344 1,085 46.29
December 2019 94.65 137.51 1,442 453 31.41
November 2019 91.02 180.80 1,421 405 28.50
October 2019 96.23 151.44 1,360 419 30.81
September 2019 89.93 168.93 2,679 831 31.02
August 2019 82.78 170.89 2,271 558 24.57
July 2019 75.13 121.42 1,641 375 22.85
May 2019 68.51 87.16 349 124 35.53
April 2019 56.14 63.35 2 0 0
March 2019 64.80 86.47 24 11 45.83
February 2019 59.83 76.12 46 14 30.43
September 2018 58.06 58.83 2 0 0
July 2018 57.24 69.40 5 2 40.00
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
90465. 2024-07-25 23:16:52 145.93 And I knew that in spite of all the roses and kisses and res... No win (1 of 1) 98% 117
90464. 2024-07-25 23:15:09 157.80 Meanwhile, let us have a sip of tea. The afternoon glow is b... No win (1 of 1) 99% 116
90463. 2024-07-25 23:13:55 161.88 I never wanted to become someone like him. So secure, conten... No win (1 of 1) 99% 140
90462. 2024-07-25 23:09:22 150.40 You know, Michael; now that you're so respectable, I think y... No win (1 of 1) 99% 68
90461. 2024-07-25 23:03:35 184.34 I can hear the soft breathing of the girl that I love as she... No win (1 of 1) 100% 123
90460. 2024-07-25 23:02:53 159.23 The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man t... No win (1 of 1) 98% 77
90459. 2024-07-25 22:59:51 175.83 Charge 'em for the lice, extra for the mice, two percent for... No win (1 of 1) 100% 138
90458. 2024-07-25 22:55:09 144.56 Joy to hearts which have suffered long is like the dew on th... No win (1 of 1) 97% 87
90457. 2024-07-25 22:54:04 146.96 But there is something that I must say to my people who stan... No win (1 of 1) 98% 145
90456. 2024-07-25 22:52:48 167.02 You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 114
90455. 2024-07-25 22:52:30 162.44 A magician is strong because he feels pain. He feels the dif... No win (1 of 1) 99% 135
90454. 2024-07-25 16:41:44 150.51 Tell me again, was it love at first sight when I walked by a... No win (1 of 1) 98% 88
90453. 2024-07-25 16:28:47 212.03 And he told us of his life in the land of submarines. No win (1 of 1) 100% 42
90452. 2024-07-25 16:26:05 154.86 This is the first day of my life. I swear I was born right i... No win (1 of 1) 99% 181
90451. 2024-07-25 16:23:21 139.59 Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 86
90450. 2024-07-23 17:06:05 144.67 If I had been downright honest with myself, I would have see... No win (1 of 1) 99% 256
90449. 2024-07-23 17:04:58 155.58 Learn to see me as a brother instead of two distant stranger... No win (1 of 1) 100% 130
90448. 2024-07-23 17:03:11 139.59 Intrigued by that enigma, he dug so deeply into her sentimen... No win (1 of 1) 98% 81
90447. 2024-07-23 17:02:00 170.92 Open up your heart to me now. Let it all come pouring out. T... No win (1 of 1) 100% 128
90446. 2024-07-23 11:12:58 165.75 I had considered how the things that never happen are often ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 66


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 90,465 304.73 145.68 7,917 July 25, 2024
Instant Death Mode 447 255.87 143.46 400 June 5, 2024
140 201.56 148.49 28 May 10, 2024
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 135 147.53 105.60 37 December 27, 2020
KeeganT's Universe 69 150.17 106.83 34 August 6, 2020
German 57 176.39 77.45 46 January 30, 2024
Dutch 39 157.73 90.32 33 January 5, 2023
Malay 27 90.64 74.44 25 February 18, 2022
Easy Texts 24 121.34 98.55 20 January 31, 2020
Jon's Universe. Quack! 23 254.73 133.96 9 November 9, 2023
spu and his friends 15 125.67 95.88 14 September 4, 2019
Cheating Universe 14 10,000.00 2,221.85 5 December 7, 2023
Dictionary 13 188.91 173.89 10 August 3, 2022
Anime 12 214.46 166.37 8 September 29, 2021
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 11 143.10 111.51 11 November 24, 2020
breaking news 9 123.41 84.63 7 March 31, 2022
Repeating Words 9 322.57 253.81 2 April 15, 2023
Marathon 5 76.69 71.86 3 August 9, 2019
Spanish 5 126.96 113.94 3 September 14, 2021
Numbers 4 39.75 28.36 4 February 13, 2024
TypeRacer for Kids 4 148.69 118.24 4 April 24, 2021
Hip Hop Hits 3 147.57 138.92 3 April 15, 2021
Italian 3 81.07 68.13 3 January 28, 2021
French 3 149.86 106.83 2 November 5, 2021
Japanese 2 187.92 187.92 1 May 14, 2023
TypeRacer Classic 2 152.28 151.55 2 September 29, 2021
Video Games 2 123.33 118.22 2 November 18, 2020
Rhymes 2 126.49 116.95 2 August 18, 2021
Valikor's Typeracer 2 63.42 63.42 1 April 29, 2021
Coder Edition 2 73.39 73.39 1 April 29, 2021
TalkRacer 2 13.61 13.61 1 April 1, 2021
Star Wars 2 154.41 154.41 1 January 18, 2021
Finnish 2 48.06 47.77 2 December 15, 2019
Latvian 1 35.45 35.45 1 April 30, 2021
Maltese 1 50.01 50.01 1 April 30, 2021
Norwegian 1 51.52 51.52 1 April 30, 2021
Serbian (Latin) 1 37.30 37.30 1 April 30, 2021
Polish 1 26.49 26.49 1 April 30, 2021
Romanian 1 51.61 51.61 1 April 30, 2021
Albanian 1 44.60 44.60 1 April 30, 2021
Slovak 1 37.28 37.28 1 April 30, 2021
Hungarian 1 30.66 30.66 1 April 30, 2021
Galician 1 66.89 66.89 1 April 30, 2021
SAT Vocabulary 1 109.41 109.41 1 April 29, 2021
Calvin and Hobbes 1 128.47 128.47 1 April 30, 2021
613 Mitzvahs 1 109.13 109.13 1 April 30, 2021
Harry Potter 1 124.59 124.59 1 April 30, 2021
Inspirational Quotes 1 122.01 122.01 1 April 30, 2021
Jokes 1 140.45 140.45 1 April 30, 2021
Kung Fu Panda 1 120.61 120.61 1 April 30, 2021
Lady Gaga 1 147.50 147.50 1 April 30, 2021
Estonian 1 63.93 63.93 1 April 30, 2021
Irish 1 66.89 66.89 1 April 30, 2021
Swedish 1 49.76 49.76 1 April 30, 2021
Swahili 1 70.74 70.74 1 April 30, 2021
ᗜ Stenography 1 141.50 141.50 1 April 30, 2021
My Lan Group 1 88.62 88.62 1 April 30, 2021
Dr. Seuss Content 1 174.29 174.29 1 June 6, 2021
⚙️ Modding Legacy 1 143.81 143.81 1 June 28, 2021
All TypeRacer Texts 1 149.74 149.74 1 August 7, 2021
Italiano Dizionario TypeRacer 1 81.83 81.83 1 October 1, 2021
Português Dictionary 1 103.82 103.82 1 October 1, 2021
Deutsch Wörterbuch 1 127.13 127.13 1 January 4, 2022
1 173.26 173.26 1 June 5, 2022
The Simpsons 1 141.07 141.07 1 April 30, 2021
Portal 2 1 119.34 119.34 1 April 30, 2021
Nintendo 1 127.10 127.10 1 April 30, 2021
Simplified Chinese 1 18.25 18.25 1 April 30, 2021
Traditional Chinese 1 18.16 18.16 1 April 30, 2021
Lord of the Rings 1 125.00 125.00 1 April 30, 2021
Malayalam / മലയാളം 1 3.91 3.91 1 April 30, 2021
613 Mitzvahs 1 121.16 121.16 1 April 30, 2021
Movies 1 122.56 122.56 1 April 30, 2021
New Traditional Chinese Texts 1 17.53 17.53 1 April 30, 2021
new italian texts 1 122.91 122.91 1 April 30, 2021
New Quotes 1 124.97 124.97 1 April 30, 2021
Slovenian 1 58.82 58.82 1 April 30, 2021
##typeracer 1 133.08 133.08 1 April 29, 2021
michaelderoche 1 116.71 116.71 1 November 1, 2019
Dudiellon's Typeracer 1 37.95 37.95 1 April 29, 2021
ec0g0ds 1 83.75 83.75 1 April 29, 2021
Family Guy Quotes 1 127.29 127.29 1 April 29, 2021
VocabGenii 1 122.19 122.19 1 April 29, 2021
GNiK's Lair 1 113.92 113.92 1 April 29, 2021
Haiku 1 153.90 153.90 1 April 29, 2021
Temporary Indonesian Universe #2 1 179.15 179.15 1 April 29, 2021
iPhone App Test Universe 1 138.91 138.91 1 April 29, 2021
Afrikaans 1 100.84 100.84 1 April 29, 2021
Catalan 1 60.06 60.06 1 April 29, 2021
dtt 1 96.03 96.03 1 April 29, 2021
belinday 1 125.81 125.81 1 April 29, 2021
Welsh 1 61.12 61.12 1 January 6, 2021
Book Contest 1 148.65 148.65 1 January 29, 2021
Copypasta 1 128.32 128.32 1 February 4, 2021
andrea's spanish texts 1 121.68 121.68 1 April 29, 2021
andreaak 1 88.70 88.70 1 April 29, 2021
Srbija 1 34.27 34.27 1 April 29, 2021
Bible 1 139.46 139.46 1 April 29, 2021
Bible (NKJV) 1 149.39 149.39 1 April 29, 2021
Really Hard Texts 1 87.45 87.45 1 April 29, 2021
Championship 2017 1 108.76 108.76 1 April 29, 2021
Czech 1 38.48 38.48 1 April 29, 2021
Danish 1 48.28 48.28 1 April 29, 2021
Croatian 1 22.58 22.58 1 April 29, 2021
New English Texts Are Here 1 123.68 123.68 1 April 29, 2021
New French Texts 1 36.27 36.27 1 April 29, 2021
New Italian Texts 1 54.59 54.59 1 April 29, 2021
NewSpanishTexts 1 57.22 57.22 1 April 29, 2021
Puns 1 137.11 137.11 1 April 29, 2021
Sean Wrona's Universe 1 122.31 122.31 1 April 29, 2021
Nitro type 1 112.67 112.67 1 April 29, 2021
Smoke Rise Prep 1 142.86 142.86 1 April 29, 2021
pastebin.com/yd47Y898 1 136.41 136.41 1 April 29, 2021
Take Note 1 127.18 127.18 1 April 29, 2021
Home of 2020's New Texts 1 125.55 125.55 1 April 29, 2021
Home of 2019's new texts 1 115.14 115.14 1 April 29, 2021
Indonesian 1 79.69 79.69 1 April 29, 2021
Portuguese 1 78.35 78.35 1 April 29, 2021
Thai 1 22.24 22.24 1 April 29, 2021
Filipino 1 81.57 81.57 1 April 29, 2021
Turkish 1 29.25 29.25 1 April 29, 2021
Noah 1 142.89 142.89 1 April 29, 2021
Long Texts 1 112.37 112.37 1 April 29, 2021
New English Texts 1 142.73 142.73 1 April 29, 2021
New Italian Texts 1 70.47 70.47 1 April 29, 2021
Home of 2018's New Texts 1 143.07 143.07 1 April 29, 2021
timjeffery44 1 140.57 140.57 1 April 29, 2021