pasta (pastashapes)

Country: United Kingdom

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 22, 8:45:39am UTC)
Races 105,990
Best last 10 races 234.26 wpm
Best single race 339.07 wpm
Average of fastest races
308.78 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 150.6857 wpm (7,676 total texts raced)
Wins 68,140 (64.29%)
Points 8,886,221.36
Average career speed 132.15 wpm
Accuracy 98.27%
100% accuracy races 152.48 wpm (22.93% of all races)
Career standard deviation 27.47 wpm
Coefficient of variation 20.78%
Top marathon 2503 races in 24 hours, starting 2023 October 20, 2:39pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
July 2024 174.93 272.06 135 45 33.33
June 2024 163.96 264.67 1,150 697 60.61
May 2024 166.29 339.07 545 271 49.72
April 2024 161.08 327.79 460 216 46.96
March 2024 172.43 327.40 498 226 45.38
February 2024 158.94 257.55 907 636 70.12
January 2024 159.96 238.52 855 617 72.16
December 2023 157.23 288.34 300 120 40.00
November 2023 159.67 284.85 895 559 62.46
October 2023 132.62 277.56 7,140 6,647 93.10
September 2023 151.96 289.08 2,225 1,762 79.19
August 2023 157.07 197.08 260 184 70.77
July 2023 156.09 280.60 670 352 52.54
June 2023 161.41 210.91 650 340 52.31
May 2023 156.34 239.56 810 473 58.40
April 2023 155.52 265.57 1,690 1,216 71.95
March 2023 159.51 252.14 840 527 62.74
February 2023 156.44 244.25 655 302 46.11
January 2023 154.90 249.65 1,070 631 58.97
December 2022 137.92 280.32 3,405 2,161 63.47
November 2022 146.74 282.85 1,320 665 50.38
October 2022 145.57 288.93 1,394 657 47.13
September 2022 148.90 303.55 1,081 454 42.00
August 2022 146.67 280.46 1,100 506 46.00
July 2022 143.07 259.07 1,775 1,566 88.23
June 2022 150.84 278.79 901 435 48.28
May 2022 149.11 213.88 669 412 61.58
April 2022 146.52 232.51 1,150 747 64.96
March 2022 140.62 273.52 2,020 1,650 81.68
January 2022 138.69 236.63 1,735 1,735 100
December 2021 140.59 267.55 3,085 2,635 85.41
November 2021 148.50 269.30 1,075 757 70.42
October 2021 148.63 256.95 1,065 667 62.63
September 2021 147.19 253.31 1,095 589 53.79
August 2021 148.37 276.74 1,110 517 46.58
July 2021 150.02 290.27 1,520 1,011 66.51
June 2021 137.16 273.36 5,715 5,117 89.54
May 2021 146.65 271.06 1,290 671 52.02
April 2021 141.08 260.87 1,240 603 48.63
March 2021 140.09 240.20 1,603 694 43.29
February 2021 133.89 262.45 2,952 1,676 56.78
January 2021 133.20 261.47 3,580 2,056 57.43
December 2020 132.66 247.91 3,159 1,719 54.42
November 2020 128.40 245.54 1,434 690 48.12
October 2020 126.95 249.12 8,738 7,850 89.84
September 2020 126.86 237.67 1,242 657 52.90
August 2020 124.67 253.60 2,082 1,159 55.67
July 2020 121.11 242.06 3,530 1,795 50.85
June 2020 115.76 249.56 6,711 5,382 80.20
May 2020 111.75 241.44 1,853 935 50.46
April 2020 107.43 226.32 1,806 595 32.95
March 2020 102.71 215.27 2,347 678 28.89
February 2020 97.90 209.04 1,916 706 36.85
January 2020 90.03 183.95 1,471 439 29.84
December 2019 89.53 171.79 3,455 1,123 32.50
November 2019 83.42 140.05 1,571 340 21.64
October 2019 76.06 111.71 845 181 21.42
List last races
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
105990. 2024-07-19 22:56:35 170.53 It's the wanting you, never getting you. Keeps me wanting yo... Win (1 of 4) 99% 176
105989. 2024-07-19 22:54:55 179.43 What have I got to do to make you love me? What have I got t... Win (1 of 3) 99% 114
105988. 2024-07-19 22:52:13 176.02 And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don't ... No win (2 of 3) 100% 138
105987. 2024-07-19 22:47:27 168.89 For string theory to make sense, the universe should have ni... Win (1 of 4) 99% 65
105986. 2024-07-19 22:45:30 182.04 Sometimes I wish I could turn back time, impossible as it ma... Win (1 of 3) 99% 161
105985. 2024-07-19 21:07:26 172.57 Don't think, feel... it is like a finger pointing away to th... No win (1 of 1) 99% 75
105984. 2024-07-19 21:06:46 173.68 When we conceive of the sweetest being ever, we are conceivi... No win (1 of 1) 99% 148
105983. 2024-07-19 21:04:41 164.42 You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment that... No win (1 of 1) 99% 143
105982. 2024-07-19 21:04:09 171.42 We passionately long that there may be another life in which... No win (1 of 1) 98% 166
105981. 2024-07-19 21:01:45 189.92 You get a shiver in the dark, it's a-raining in the park but... No win (1 of 1) 100% 130
105980. 2024-07-19 17:40:50 171.93 If you come to a river and find a boat at the edge, you will... No win (1 of 1) 98% 138
105979. 2024-07-19 17:39:34 179.72 Reading is not a natural process; the habits necessary for e... No win (1 of 1) 100% 102
105978. 2024-07-19 17:38:57 176.13 That was what I wanted, but I don't need it to be gone. I ca... No win (1 of 1) 99% 153
105977. 2024-07-19 17:38:06 170.87 It's four in the morning, the end of December. I'm writing y... No win (1 of 1) 99% 271
105976. 2024-07-19 17:35:42 195.03 It is easy to say that names should reveal intent. What we w... No win (1 of 1) 100% 159
105975. 2024-07-19 17:32:52 159.05 See, I write jokes for a living, man. You know, I sit in my ... Win (1 of 3) 99% 141
105974. 2024-07-19 17:31:55 171.13 He said someone needs to make a record of the things that wi... Win (1 of 5) 99% 277
105973. 2024-07-19 17:28:24 177.34 I was never cheating. You connected dots that weren't there,... Win (1 of 4) 99% 139
105972. 2024-07-19 17:27:10 169.92 Every time that I think I'm alone, and I can't find a word o... No win (2 of 4) 99% 176
105971. 2024-07-19 17:26:41 179.68 Where I come from, there's a terrible drought. We saw pictur... Win (1 of 3) 100% 93


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 105,990 339.07 150.69 7,676 July 19, 2024
Dictionary 725 225.47 175.23 214 January 26, 2024
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 614 154.75 105.80 83 November 21, 2022
Anime 250 196.80 140.88 121 February 17, 2024
Easy Texts 206 194.45 130.84 61 December 21, 2020
Jon's Universe. Quack! 90 449.62 137.99 19 November 9, 2023
breaking news 68 350.50 155.79 12 September 12, 2023
Portuguese 60 97.07 70.12 57 July 2, 2022
KeeganT's Universe 59 187.38 127.07 34 May 7, 2022
French 48 102.51 73.12 43 February 1, 2024
35 182.13 142.68 21 January 30, 2024
Instant Death Mode 23 199.34 157.11 20 September 2, 2023
Coder Edition 16 74.43 56.26 12 April 14, 2022
Cheating Universe 15 10,000.00 2,079.01 5 March 28, 2021
Dutch 15 94.00 77.50 15 September 4, 2021
Numbers 14 77.11 24.96 11 July 22, 2021
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 13 161.37 113.48 10 November 18, 2020
Repeating Words 12 449.81 372.12 4 June 16, 2024
Puns 11 119.19 94.42 6 March 25, 2020
Indonesian 7 63.57 55.82 7 March 24, 2020
Copypasta 6 139.20 119.54 6 May 2, 2021
Marathon 5 145.68 119.35 4 June 10, 2024
Jokes 4 114.29 106.57 4 December 18, 2020
Português Dictionary 3 71.31 68.39 3 October 10, 2021
Spanish 3 95.82 88.78 3 July 20, 2023
German 2 79.59 65.27 2 June 27, 2021
Haiku 1 170.51 170.51 1 August 29, 2021
⚙️ Modding Legacy 1 128.79 128.79 1 June 28, 2021
TalkRacer 1 71.43 71.43 1 April 1, 2021
Italian 1 81.52 81.52 1 July 2, 2020
michaelderoche 1 150.94 150.94 1 March 31, 2020
TypeRacer for Kids 1 100.48 100.48 1 February 16, 2020
belinday 1 92.66 92.66 1 February 8, 2024