- Offline (fightin_phils)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 25, 2:19:34am UTC)
Races 53,017
Best last 10 races 0 wpm
Best single race 239.93 wpm
Average of fastest races
229.64 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 167.0498 wpm (3,660 total texts raced)
Wins 44,889 (84.67%)
Points 1,782,496.77
Average career speed 147.36 wpm
Accuracy 48.77%
100% accuracy races 175.45 wpm (5.54% of all races)
Career standard deviation 17.38 wpm
Coefficient of variation 11.79%
Top marathon 0 races in 24 hours, starting 1970 January 1, 12:00am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
February 2024 145.42 184.05 72 55 76.39
March 2023 164.12 239.93 985 854 86.70
February 2023 149.02 204.25 294 166 56.46
December 2022 155.23 234.58 1,140 932 81.75
April 2022 150.36 197.75 1,135 909 80.09
February 2022 157.37 207.98 2,978 2,497 83.85
January 2022 156.06 206.40 1,527 1,250 81.86
December 2021 152.14 210.53 224 166 74.11
September 2021 148.79 168.22 14 7 50.00
July 2021 166.87 194.26 44 31 70.45
June 2021 163.83 228.03 1,068 909 85.11
March 2021 161.73 204.31 468 388 82.91
February 2021 160.73 206.24 922 772 83.73
November 2020 153.36 159.88 5 5 100
September 2020 172.54 181.44 2 1 50.00
July 2020 136.96 176.10 19 13 68.42
May 2020 155.70 208.47 744 614 82.53
July 2019 159.26 173.82 4 4 100
June 2019 161.65 178.20 6 6 100
September 2017 153.32 185.91 9 9 100
July 2017 145.10 177.17 46 39 84.78
June 2017 140.33 153.97 6 3 50.00
May 2017 153.04 196.21 115 88 76.52
January 2017 156.21 210.39 2,648 2,206 83.31
December 2016 148.04 178.87 51 44 86.27
May 2016 160.81 163.37 2 2 100
October 2015 150.59 187.71 99 95 95.96
June 2015 147.02 180.46 43 41 95.35
April 2015 151.37 176.75 43 42 97.67
July 2014 152.00 185.18 7 7 100
May 2014 154.26 184.54 33 28 84.85
April 2014 153.78 205.19 1,620 1,463 90.31
March 2014 146.65 180.13 173 151 87.28
February 2014 146.78 178.71 34 31 91.18
January 2014 146.08 188.90 134 97 72.39
December 2013 146.60 180.97 57 44 77.19
November 2013 154.72 187.23 166 150 90.36
October 2013 152.58 195.22 918 727 79.19
August 2013 155.95 196.35 1,092 981 89.84
July 2013 154.99 199.62 466 355 76.18
June 2013 148.75 172.83 52 47 90.38
May 2013 145.92 197.35 17 16 94.12
December 2012 153.04 175.04 121 111 91.74
October 2012 155.79 190.79 124 106 85.48
September 2012 155.19 199.93 2,000 1,761 88.05
August 2012 162.67 196.02 144 143 99.31
July 2012 152.46 166.49 11 11 100
June 2012 145.85 166.69 27 19 70.37
May 2012 154.21 176.58 12 11 91.67
March 2012 161.25 175.31 11 11 100
February 2012 147.49 188.13 795 729 91.70
January 2012 148.91 188.06 477 437 91.61
December 2011 148.50 188.59 1,260 1,087 86.27
November 2011 154.77 195.11 973 901 92.60
March 2011 159.71 178.08 3 3 100
December 2010 146.71 200.51 1,074 884 82.31
November 2010 146.39 202.02 976 879 90.06
October 2010 148.05 205.68 1,688 1,591 94.25
September 2010 145.59 193.48 1,090 963 88.35
August 2010 147.87 188.01 1,811 1,539 84.98
July 2010 143.92 191.30 850 754 88.71
June 2010 144.44 197.21 1,873 1,661 88.68
May 2010 143.39 189.75 2,091 1,850 88.47
April 2010 142.25 188.15 1,161 1,056 90.96
March 2010 131.95 172.93 1,063 864 81.28
February 2010 130.86 169.25 366 290 79.23
January 2010 131.96 174.53 980 780 79.59
December 2009 137.88 173.66 883 772 87.43
November 2009 126.59 165.55 38 29 76.32
October 2009 128.84 166.35 508 385 75.79
September 2009 136.00 179.08 1,752 1,424 81.28
August 2009 133.11 179.44 599 459 76.63
July 2009 133.46 179.78 1,856 1,247 67.19
June 2009 134.27 177.56 2,218 1,502 67.72
May 2009 134.89 182.41 3,619 3,444 95.16
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
53017. 2024-02-07 08:00:10 168.72 Something's up, commander. We got called in for a rescue mis... Win (1 of 4) 99.6% 124
53016. 2024-02-07 07:59:35 132.80 As the netted bag says, this potato was grown in Idaho, that... Win (1 of 4) 98% 131
53015. 2024-02-07 07:58:51 162.11 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Win (1 of 3) 100% 24
53014. 2024-02-07 07:58:34 137.85 The air was cold, and the rain again began to descend; we en... No win (2 of 5) 98.7% 119
53013. 2024-02-07 07:57:51 135.88 You think cooking is a cute job, huh? Like mommy in the kitc... No win (2 of 5) 98.4% 152
53012. 2024-02-07 07:57:01 144.33 The Minipirates had little iron hooks instead of hands and w... Win (1 of 3) 98.6% 132
53011. 2024-02-07 07:56:17 134.55 Every magic trick consists of three parts, or acts. The firs... Win (1 of 2) 97.9% 130
53010. 2024-02-07 07:55:32 138.88 So tonight, sweet dreams, and sleep tight. I've been trying ... Win (1 of 5) 98.7% 100
53009. 2024-02-07 07:54:58 138.19 Here's what I think happened: the old man heard the fight be... Win (1 of 3) 98.2% 159
53008. 2024-02-07 07:54:06 143.76 We must all find our place. Mine is being cast down... so I ... No win (2 of 3) 99% 151
53007. 2024-02-07 07:53:11 123.40 There is more to color than a swatch in a book, or a pull do... No win (2 of 4) 98.2% 93
53006. 2024-02-07 07:50:10 103.98 To put things simply, if your past makes your present... The... No win (2 of 3) 97.2% 66
53005. 2024-02-07 07:49:08 168.34 Remembering you running soft through the night. You were big... Win (1 of 3) 99.5% 104
53004. 2024-02-07 07:48:35 133.14 The seeds of life - fiery is their force, divine their birth... Win (1 of 4) 98.6% 138
53003. 2024-02-07 07:47:40 136.20 Well, you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air, but wil... No win (2 of 2) 97.1% 107
53002. 2024-02-07 07:46:48 146.60 If you want to drive a race car well, whether to win an Indy... No win (3 of 5) 98.6% 186
53001. 2024-02-07 07:45:32 139.84 Many wines have more than 14 percent alcohol because the win... Win (1 of 5) 97.8% 163
53000. 2024-02-07 07:44:37 160.31 The problem is we don't notice the years pass, he thought. S... Win (1 of 5) 98.7% 174
52999. 2024-02-07 07:43:39 142.61 Employees earn and get taxed, and they try to live on what i... No win (2 of 3) 98.3% 97
52998. 2024-02-07 07:43:00 116.91 Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars. Drenched ... No win (3 of 4) 95.5% 66


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 53,017 239.93 167.05 3,660 February 7, 2024
Book Contest 1,451 226.87 183.68 25 June 4, 2014
Easy Texts 1,085 234.15 185.50 51 April 20, 2014
Instant Death Mode 167 171.21 143.79 118 February 13, 2022
Dutch 116 138.88 111.80 38 July 28, 2013
SAT Vocabulary 42 162.37 140.61 27 January 7, 2012
Long Texts 24 171.29 163.29 7 December 20, 2022
Family Guy Quotes 24 157.51 141.40 13 September 28, 2012
Coder Edition 17 87.51 80.16 8 February 17, 2022
Bible (NKJV) 15 181.62 159.16 10 September 27, 2012
Swahili 10 111.18 100.02 9 April 18, 2014
Championship 2017 10 183.47 152.46 3 January 8, 2017
Bible 10 182.51 141.52 10 January 6, 2012
Nitro type 10 163.40 149.81 2 December 1, 2011
Spanish 10 109.13 92.50 8 September 24, 2010
Dictionary 9 181.37 153.80 8 February 15, 2022
Indonesian 6 114.78 103.37 5 April 18, 2014