Text #4180163

Sitting back and doing nothing, or worse, criticizing others, does not require courage. Speaking up and letting your unique voice be heard is an important step for anyone who wants to make anything better.

—from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a game by Nintendo

Active since February 1, 2019.
205 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. Jammie (typos_z) 245.32 99.5% 2024-09-18
2. (joshua728) 239.23 100% 2021-04-01
3. chillin (slekap) 223.53 100% 2021-06-12
4. $950 kevin rudd pay packet ... 222.68 100% 2021-12-15
5. hi (helloimnotgood1) 222.32 100% 2024-07-04
6. awesomerelic (NQ) (Maintrac... 220.77 98.7% 2023-11-12
7. Catgirls Save Lives (amiove... 219.76 99.5% 2024-04-14
8. Sean Wrona (arenasnow) 219.35 100% 2019-05-17
9. rocket (mythicalrocket) 215.39 100% 2023-07-16
10. Sean Wrona (arenasnow2) 213.26 100% 2020-04-12
11. nonquitsahib (allofthetime) 211.59 100% 2023-08-03
12. ngnq (ngnq) 210.02 100% 2024-04-30
13. jse (dragoncityjose) 204.58 100% 2024-06-05
14. (shazman) 204.51 100% 2020-04-30
15. (xanderec) 204.14 100% 2024-07-28
16. ⦗🧛⦘ ⦓☾✹✯𝚅... 203.24 99% 2022-10-24
17. (fenno4) 201.36 100% 2023-09-23
18. (mcaso123) 200.44 100% 2025-01-15
19. y (7emp7a7ion) 200.23 100% 2020-06-13
20. morning (chakkonmech) 199.84 100% 2019-02-16
21. (flaneur) 197.75 100% 2023-04-08
22. (keegant) 196.38 100% 2024-06-09
23. Supporting Israel (zombiesw... 196.16 100% 2023-02-06
24. 我妻 由乃 Yuno Gasai (s... 195.44 97% 2023-07-27
25. Sumit (smtchahal2) 195.28 100% 2022-02-02
26. Vielle (arc_sec) 194.67 98% 2019-11-15
27. eiko (eikomaniac) 194.53 100% 2019-04-22
28. Volhosis (v... 194.16 99.5% 2024-05-28
29. discord.gg/typeracer (landa... 194.01 99.5% 2024-08-31
30. Xeogran (xeogran) 193.62 100% 2023-02-27


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 36,223 85.14 February 1, 2019
Instant Death Mode 96 92.52 February 13, 2020
Nintendo 14 68.44 January 29, 2021
Video Games 11 91.59 November 18, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 3 117.84 October 7, 2021
Home of 2019's new texts 2 157.85 January 31, 2019