rocket (mythicalrocket)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 16, 8:05:47pm UTC)
Races 11,084
Best last 10 races 221.85 wpm
Best single race 281.69 wpm
Average of fastest races
257.23 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 193.7489 wpm (2,701 total texts raced)
Wins 9,664 (87.19%)
Points 1,702,269.35
Average career speed 177.9 wpm
Accuracy 98.35%
100% accuracy races 202.41 wpm (11.29% of all races)
Career standard deviation 23.06 wpm
Coefficient of variation 12.96%
Top marathon 278 races in 24 hours, starting 2022 October 14, 10:08pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
December 2023 226.46 254.04 6 5 83.33
November 2023 212.71 261.38 23 22 95.65
October 2023 206.91 237.46 14 14 100
September 2023 203.58 250.47 60 54 90.00
August 2023 202.70 251.72 196 186 94.90
July 2023 200.16 281.69 404 387 95.79
June 2023 205.61 252.01 84 81 96.43
May 2023 198.63 240.71 254 218 85.83
April 2023 200.86 237.25 100 98 98.00
March 2023 188.96 261.45 1,269 1,071 84.40
February 2023 192.44 245.43 284 199 70.07
January 2023 196.50 238.84 41 39 95.12
November 2022 196.86 233.59 129 114 88.37
October 2022 190.74 246.91 1,251 1,170 93.53
September 2022 186.30 207.33 10 10 100
August 2022 184.19 210.33 7 6 85.71
June 2022 185.22 240.14 645 610 94.57
May 2022 182.25 213.80 179 146 81.56
April 2022 181.77 229.63 446 398 89.24
March 2022 180.98 229.31 749 684 91.32
February 2022 175.59 216.18 54 50 92.59
January 2022 175.58 239.18 102 86 84.31
December 2021 176.83 211.23 69 67 97.10
November 2021 178.50 222.91 589 516 87.61
October 2021 174.26 209.00 183 159 86.89
September 2021 172.10 195.68 18 16 88.89
August 2021 171.95 232.35 296 243 82.09
July 2021 171.00 207.11 377 335 88.86
June 2021 172.38 223.14 423 385 91.02
May 2021 170.37 208.60 149 131 87.92
April 2021 159.36 222.12 1,657 1,413 85.27
March 2021 149.33 211.19 680 521 76.62
January 2021 140.87 167.09 105 78 74.29
December 2020 130.49 173.82 67 40 59.70
November 2020 129.48 176.21 109 70 64.22
October 2020 130.17 151.41 13 11 84.62
September 2020 116.54 137.08 19 14 73.68
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List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
11084. 2023-12-12 23:08:23 254.04 Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like t... Win (1 of 2) 100% 233
11083. 2023-12-10 17:10:33 218.41 You're just a whiny little basket case who's milking this de... No win (1 of 1) 99.3% 207
11082. 2023-12-02 13:54:59 230.41 It's a thousand pages, give or take a few. I'll be writing m... Win (1 of 3) 99.5% 157
11081. 2023-12-02 13:54:17 221.54 I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from natu... Win (1 of 3) 99.7% 229
11080. 2023-12-02 13:53:27 235.08 When you meet the right person, you know it. You can't stop ... Win (1 of 3) 100% 165
11079. 2023-12-02 13:52:45 199.27 People quickly learn to ignore the prefix (or suffix) to see... Win (1 of 4) 99.6% 136
11078. 2023-11-22 20:16:23 261.38 You are what you are and you are where you are because of wh... Win (1 of 2) 100% 161
11077. 2023-11-22 20:12:58 239.02 You know, you go to thrift shops and you go to garage sales ... No win (1 of 1) 100% 207
11076. 2023-11-18 22:59:21 185.98 I believe that you are sincere and good at heart. If you do ... Win (1 of 4) 97.3% 263
11075. 2023-11-18 22:58:35 191.06 And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mi... Win (1 of 3) 97.8% 115
11074. 2023-11-18 22:58:00 214.26 Sometimes - well, let's say all times - things are changing.... Win (1 of 4) 98.2% 357
11073. 2023-11-18 22:57:12 233.74 Oh, it doesn't matter what they say in the papers 'cause it'... Win (1 of 4) 99.5% 160
11072. 2023-11-18 22:56:44 206.39 Home will always be here unseen out of sight, where I disapp... Win (1 of 4) 98.8% 103
11071. 2023-11-18 22:56:18 185.71 Employees earn and get taxed, and they try to live on what i... Win (1 of 4) 96.5% 127
11070. 2023-11-18 22:55:44 199.27 To feel it so like myself, indeed, so brotherly, made me rea... Win (1 of 2) 97.8% 213
11069. 2023-11-18 22:55:07 214.31 You once thought of me as a white knight on his steed. Now y... Win (1 of 2) 98.7% 111
11068. 2023-11-18 22:54:44 189.93 Convenience is poison. One must accustom themselves to pursu... Win (1 of 4) 99% 142
11067. 2023-11-18 22:53:58 225.43 "You get what you deserve." It's an old saying, one that sur... Win (1 of 4) 98.9% 316
11066. 2023-11-18 22:53:17 205.45 I had felt it growing, this feeling that had been hiding ben... Win (1 of 3) 96.4% 161
11065. 2023-11-18 22:52:44 217.02 What's the use you learning to do right when it's troublesom... Win (1 of 5) 98.7% 101


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 11,084 281.69 193.75 2,701 December 12, 2023
Dictionary 8 198.72 171.38 8 August 11, 2021
French 3 119.22 103.70 3 March 16, 2022
Instant Death Mode 2 189.01 185.83 2 June 6, 2021