daniel3131 (daniel3131)

Country: Malaysia

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 26, 3:02:46pm UTC)
Races 2,399
Best last 10 races 248.16 wpm
Best single race 274.05 wpm
Average of fastest races
260.72 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 104.9868 wpm (1,138 total texts raced)
Wins 1,587 (66.15%)
Points 146,449.19
Average career speed 136.14 wpm
Accuracy 98.31%
100% accuracy races 179.43 wpm (43.93% of all races)
Career standard deviation 43.53 wpm
Coefficient of variation 31.98%
Top marathon 183 races in 24 hours, starting 2019 July 20, 1:24pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
November 2020 240.56 247.26 8 8 100
October 2020 189.30 274.05 136 130 95.59
September 2020 190.39 237.78 250 248 99.20
August 2020 170.62 216.16 437 427 97.71
July 2020 180.09 212.20 171 144 84.21
June 2020 189.87 190.48 2 1 50.00
April 2020 193.42 196.78 4 0 0
March 2020 195.45 201.74 8 2 25.00
February 2020 188.13 196.01 17 17 100
November 2019 171.30 174.33 2 2 100
October 2019 168.83 183.73 19 16 84.21
September 2019 161.93 181.46 8 3 37.50
August 2019 147.76 167.83 27 11 40.74
July 2019 105.10 144.80 898 410 45.66
June 2019 91.52 119.88 278 115 41.37
January 2019 88.82 95.44 9 1 11.11
December 2018 84.76 109.25 125 52 41.60
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
2399. 2020-11-13 18:15:54 246.50 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 41
2398. 2020-11-11 07:56:24 246.40 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 41
2397. 2020-11-09 12:49:42 240.51 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 40
2396. 2020-11-09 12:40:43 247.26 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 41
2395. 2020-11-05 12:40:45 243.31 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 41
2394. 2020-11-05 12:38:48 231.91 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 39
2393. 2020-11-04 16:42:28 233.06 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 39
2392. 2020-11-04 16:04:10 235.49 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 39
2391. 2020-10-31 06:42:13 259.67 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 43
2390. 2020-10-31 05:14:19 239.80 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 40
2389. 2020-10-30 08:12:36 265.16 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 44
2388. 2020-10-29 07:53:12 261.47 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 44
2387. 2020-10-29 07:42:29 257.18 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 43
2386. 2020-10-29 07:38:29 250.78 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 42
2385. 2020-10-29 07:36:22 247.04 They don't know that we know they know we know. Win (1 of 2) 100% 41
2384. 2020-10-28 16:12:47 148.33 When there's gunshots, there's bound to be bullets. Win (1 of 2) 100% 20
2383. 2020-10-28 16:06:33 142.44 Without the rifle he had to fit in, to be part of it all, to... Win (1 of 2) 100% 47
2382. 2020-10-28 15:48:14 148.47 I'm going to roll my window up, then I'm going to drive away... Win (1 of 2) 100% 52
2381. 2020-10-28 15:42:56 155.84 When there's gunshots, there's bound to be bullets. Win (1 of 2) 100% 21
2380. 2020-10-28 15:39:38 149.71 When there's gunshots, there's bound to be bullets. Win (1 of 2) 100% 20


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 2,399 274.05 104.99 1,138 November 13, 2020
Malay 123 131.99 105.83 33 July 20, 2023
Indonesian 75 137.47 105.95 30 July 20, 2023
Numbers 70 207.56 193.08 4 September 11, 2020
Simplified Chinese 64 210.77 153.63 12 September 8, 2020
Coder Edition 63 134.10 78.23 14 July 20, 2023
Easy Texts 54 195.95 149.19 18 July 27, 2023
German 21 142.55 133.19 2 July 22, 2023
Traditional Chinese 15 198.78 180.22 2 September 8, 2020
te66st 10 336.84 336.84 1 July 20, 2023
Dictionary 9 209.03 187.68 7 July 29, 2023
Repeating Words 8 178.50 161.82 3 June 11, 2023
Dutch 7 118.99 96.76 2 September 7, 2020
Spanish 5 131.68 131.68 1 September 8, 2020
Serbian (Latin) 5 121.51 121.51 1 September 7, 2020
Portuguese 5 119.37 119.37 1 September 7, 2020
Welsh 5 70.25 67.81 5 August 28, 2019
Instant Death Mode 4 163.59 117.76 3 September 8, 2020
Jon's Universe. Quack! 3 197.62 197.62 1 November 21, 2020
Swahili 3 106.33 99.26 2 September 8, 2020
Italian 2 103.31 103.31 1 September 7, 2020
Sean Wrona's Universe 2 126.14 126.14 1 July 30, 2020
Lord of the Rings 1 154.08 154.08 1 November 21, 2020
Rhymes 1 125.55 125.55 1 July 20, 2023
Nitro type 1 103.31 103.31 1 September 8, 2020
Estonian 1 100.52 100.52 1 September 8, 2020
Danish 1 103.51 103.51 1 September 8, 2020
⚙️ Modding Legacy 1 136.84 136.84 1 July 20, 2023
Anime 1 156.38 156.38 1 July 22, 2023
Irish 1 104.96 104.96 1 September 8, 2020
Croatian 1 103.60 103.60 1 September 8, 2020
TypeRacer for Kids 1 104.51 104.51 1 August 9, 2020
SAT Vocabulary 1 113.26 113.26 1 July 31, 2020
Championship 2017 1 124.38 124.38 1 July 31, 2020
Long Texts 1 122.77 122.77 1 July 31, 2020
Bible (NKJV) 1 136.08 136.08 1 July 30, 2020
Bible 1 130.54 130.54 1 July 30, 2020
Book Contest 1 131.12 131.12 1 July 30, 2020
French 1 141.78 141.78 1 September 7, 2020
o4do0q2x8u 1 133.01 133.01 1 July 30, 2020
Afrikaans 1 103.55 103.55 1 September 8, 2020
Marathon 1 104.91 104.91 1 September 8, 2020