Text #4350129

I have spoken words of hope. But only of hope. Hope is not victory. War is upon us and all our friends, a war in which only the use of the Ring could give us surety of victory. It fills me with great sorrow and great fear: for much shall be destroyed and all may be lost.

—from The Lord of The Rings, a book by J.R.R. Tolkien

Active since February 25, 2020.
271 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. (joshua728) 242.88 100% 2024-04-24
2. ConcentrateZabbibi (concent... 203.25 99% 2024-09-27
3. REMOVE GHOST SCORES FROM LB... 200.26 99.6% 2024-05-27
4. Jammie (typos_z) 199.44 100% 2021-07-07
5. OFF - twitch.tv/goldjet30 (... 199.20 100% 2020-10-23
6. (j89243fj29) 198.43 98% 2023-10-15
7. paradoxical (chaoschild) 197.43 99.6% 2023-10-24
8. (fenno4) 196.18 100% 2023-09-12
9. ngnq (ngnq) 194.08 99.6% 2024-05-05
10. Ruby Hoshino (yukomiya) 193.25 99.6% 2024-04-06
11. (shazman) 189.63 100% 2020-10-23
12. awesomerelic (NQ) (Maintrac... 188.33 97.1% 2023-11-20
13. איזי (iamtyperacer) 188.14 99% 2023-03-03
14. NPA wiseboy (fartulence) 185.31 98% 2020-08-17
15. (flaneur) 182.80 100% 2022-10-30
16. vinnii (slowvinni) 182.46 100% 2023-09-15
17. Berny (syrupsandwich) 182.01 99.6% 2024-10-24
18. youtube.com/watch?v=7epk2SX... 181.73 99.6% 2024-04-06
19. Supporting Israel (zombiesw... 180.89 99% 2023-02-06
20. rocket (mythicalrocket) 180.79 98% 2022-04-20
21. jse (dragoncityjose) 180.48 98% 2024-12-04
22. chillin (slekap) 179.89 98.6% 2021-02-23
23. Jashe (freshfastjashe) 179.49 100% 2021-05-12
24. (tiltednonquit) 179.48 99% 2023-04-15
25. xe (xekek) 179.37 98% 2024-04-01
26. (evestay) 178.99 100% 2023-12-24
27. amanogawa (lhykv) 178.77 100% 2022-03-31
28. Difficult (l4ze) 177.94 99% 2020-06-19
29. B4CK (ayeyuhskuh) 177.85 99.6% 2024-11-15
30. Xeogran (xeogran) 177.63 99% 2023-06-01


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 29,261 81.12 February 25, 2020
Lord of the Rings 60 75.12 November 18, 2020
Instant Death Mode 53 86.90 January 6, 2021
ᗜ Stenography 1 124.49 October 31, 2021