Pasta (pastashapes)

Race #105831

View Pit Stop page for race #105831 by pastashapesGhost race

View profile for Pasta (pastashapes)

Official speed 183.48 wpm (12.30 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 184.51 wpm (69 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 184.62 wpm (7 ms elapsed before first character typed; 12.22 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 183.63 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start June 27, 2024 4:22:09pm UTC
Race Finish June 27, 2024 4:22:21pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 99.5%
Points 100.92
Text #3100108 (Length: 188 characters)

God help the man who ever really loves you. You'd break his heart, my darling, cruel, destructive little cat who is so careless and confident she doesn't even trouble to sheathe her claws.

Characters typed God help the man who ever really loves you. You'd break his heart, my darling, cruel, destructive liettle cat who is so careless and confident she doesn't even trouble to sheathe her claws.
Character G o d h e l p t h e m a n w h o e v e r
Milliseconds 7 45 94 32 17 77 46 16 31 45 61 62 31 46 48 78 29 77 46 31 47 46 31 139 0
Character r e a l l y l o v e s y o u . Y o u ' d
Milliseconds 61 62 77 16 29 121 108 46 16 31 91 31 0 46 91 14 45 109 78 62 46 62 0 62 46
Character b r e a k h i s h e a r t , m y d a r l i
Milliseconds 47 31 15 47 46 45 92 32 46 45 15 78 15 31 137 30 46 94 46 93 31 45 62 63 122
Character n g , c r u e l , d e s t r u c t i v e l i
Milliseconds 15 62 77 47 45 31 31 94 46 156 46 62 373 15 108 94 94 77 123 47 108 16 15 30 31
Character e -e t t l e c a t w h o i s s o c a r e
Milliseconds 62 469 91 107 61 62 62 64 45 76 64 153 61 79 43 124 76 63 60 47 61 46 77 46 46
Character l e s s a n d c o n f i d e n t s h e d o
Milliseconds 32 92 31 93 93 63 77 78 63 93 46 31 63 61 77 15 63 93 47 77 79 45 46 109 45
Character e s n ' t e v e n t r o u b l e t o s h e
Milliseconds 95 32 45 32 61 77 46 62 76 47 47 78 30 15 48 78 77 61 47 62 47 47 47 76 79
Character a t h e h e r c l a w s .
Milliseconds 15 154 109 124 62 418 46 31 45 77 47 46 31 93 31
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.25 243.99
0.49 268.39
0.74 260.26
0.98 256.19
1.23 243.99
1.48 243.99
1.72 237.02
1.97 237.89
2.21 233.15
2.46 234.23
2.71 239.55
2.95 239.92
3.2 240.24
3.44 237.02
3.69 234.23
3.93 231.79
4.18 232.51
4.43 227.72
4.67 223.44
4.92 212.27
5.16 209.13
5.41 206.28
5.66 205.8
5.9 203.32
6.15 195.19
6.39 189.56
6.64 187.96
6.89 188.22
7.13 186.78
7.38 185.43
7.62 185.75
7.87 186.04
8.12 186.32
8.36 186.58
8.61 185.43
8.85 185.7
9.1 187.28
9.34 187.49
9.59 186.43
9.84 187.87
10.08 188.05
10.33 189.38
10.57 189.52
10.82 190.76
11.07 188.69
11.31 187.77
11.56 184.81
11.8 181.98
12.05 183.24
12.3 183.48