Text #4350056

Do you know what an artist and a sniper have in common? Details. Like when a touch of color is out of place. When a shadow does not match with its surroundings. Or when a shape is not where it is supposed to be. The only difference is the stakes. Mine are higher.

—from Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Siege, a game by Ubisoft

Active since February 25, 2020.
263 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 18,242
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
16000. Joel (joelhanson) 52.44 96% 2021-09-23
16001. d\img src=x onerror=alert(1... 52.44 95% 2023-10-10
16002. Ather (ath3r) 52.41 95% 2020-03-23
16003. Nam (lcceytea) 52.41 95% 2020-12-08
16004. Jerzy (mr_avocado) 52.41 95% 2021-04-29
16005. Amritpal (iamamritpalrandhawa) 52.40 97% 2022-06-03
16006. Agamemnon (agamemnon_) 52.40 92% 2023-03-21
16007. mori (mori30303) 52.39 96.1% 2023-10-15
16008. Noobe (noobe_22) 52.37 93% 2022-09-19
16009. Vikas (vk_master) 52.37 96% 2021-04-10
16010. jia kang (awjack) 52.37 96% 2021-10-26
16011. Satyam (satyamkr118) 52.36 97% 2021-03-18
16012. Captain Cuttlefish (captain... 52.35 96% 2022-08-09
16013. Chisa (chisarai) 52.33 94% 2021-01-18
16014. MK-47 (construct) 52.32 97% 2021-10-18
16015. mahrab (wyvern98) 52.32 96% 2021-05-29
16016. Doritos (dorito117) 52.30 97% 2022-12-11
16017. Mountassir (bmountassir) 52.30 96% 2022-06-11
16018. Dante (therealdante13) 52.29 94% 2021-12-18
16019. Collin L Harris (bigfishva) 52.27 97% 2023-01-26
16020. io9 (io_9) 52.27 96% 2021-06-04
16021. Ayush (rashy_nipples) 52.26 96% 2022-01-21
16022. Miles (slowtyper174) 52.26 94% 2020-10-27
16023. Adde (adde_chong) 52.26 96% 2020-06-18
16024. Shivam (shivam_srivastava_18) 52.26 96% 2021-03-23
16025. Zeke (zekear27) 52.26 93% 2022-10-04
16026. Regulus (reguluscorneas999) 52.25 96% 2023-09-27
16027. Gabi (gabi03) 52.25 96% 2023-03-22
16028. Mohamed (midoukl) 52.25 95% 2021-11-11
16029. Priyanshi (priyanshi_gupta) 52.23 97% 2021-09-25


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 31,014 84.64 February 25, 2020
Instant Death Mode 80 88.44 January 1, 2021
Video Games 5 76.72 November 21, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 3 99.50 December 12, 2021