Text #4180241

I began to realize how important it was to be an enthusiast in life. If you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it full speed. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it. Lukewarm is no good.

—from Lukewarm Is No Good, a other by Roald Dahl

Active since April 19, 2019.
253 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
16996. Duirky (sublollipop) 54.52 93% 2021-10-11
16997. ali (alianggie) 54.52 99% 2020-09-17
16998. Yajur (yajur17) 54.52 98% 2020-12-29
16999. John Wencel (johnwencelcaldit) 54.51 95.5% 2021-01-28
17000. Szithy (szithy) 54.51 95% 2019-10-02
17001. Caesar (caesar9x) 54.50 98% 2023-05-03
17002. TheCrisTime (thecristime) 54.50 94% 2020-12-13
17003. Smack (smack_ke) 54.50 97% 2021-05-17
17004. Renato (renatop2303) 54.50 97% 2020-11-16
17005. TheHairyKid (the_hairy_kid_) 54.49 98.9% 2021-02-15
17006. P@rth (typistpcd) 54.48 94% 2023-09-09
17007. Ujjval (ross_specter) 54.47 96% 2021-11-24
17008. koen (chromoplast) 54.47 93% 2020-01-22
17009. art (artushhheee) 54.46 95% 2020-09-14
17010. hrithik (hrithikmanoj) 54.46 96.2% 2021-02-08
17011. Aditya (aditya2712) 54.45 96% 2020-07-20
17012. Minh (trankhaiminh0911) 54.44 96% 2022-02-11
17013. asdf (blackbirdsigloo) 54.44 95% 2021-12-02
17014. Darnell (racerin) 54.44 99% 2023-01-26
17015. Mountassir (bmountassir) 54.44 97% 2022-06-11
17016. Chandra (chan4k) 54.42 99% 2020-09-04
17017. raj (the_karna) 54.41 96% 2021-05-03
17018. Seero (seero_) 54.41 96% 2022-06-30
17019. omar CH (omarchaouch) 54.41 97% 2023-07-06
17020. Cold (coldzero) 54.41 96% 2023-08-30
17021. suprim (suprimnakarmi) 54.40 95% 2022-08-13
17022. Lottie (charlottexult) 54.40 97% 2019-05-02
17023. Michael (michaelwaynewibisono) 54.39 96% 2019-06-25
17024. Kazi Fazly Alahi (fazlyalahi) 54.39 98% 2022-06-08
17025. Mohd. (sanat0zaki) 54.39 96% 2022-01-18


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 34,481 83.52 April 19, 2019
Instant Death Mode 56 95.01 February 13, 2020
All TypeRacer Texts 1 35.76 December 4, 2021
ᗜ Stenography 1 132.40 November 16, 2021