Quite a plan you boys cooked up here. Quite a plan. I'm not sure what upsets me more - that I have four employees that conspired to commit felony fraud, or that I have four employees that are so stupid I found out about it within 30 seconds. Hearing it out loud, the first one seems worse.
—from Silicon Valley, a other by Mike Judge, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky
Active since January 14, 2017.
289 total characters in this text.
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Rank | Username | WPM | Accuracy | Date |
18536. | Denis (denisjames) | 52.18 | 95% | 2021-04-08 |
18537. | Denis (deniii) | 52.18 | 94% | 2021-05-10 |
18538. | Jay Jo (jay20051209) | 52.18 | 96% | 2020-10-08 |
18539. | Billy (birdyventura) | 52.17 | 96% | 2022-09-25 |
18540. | Hussain (hussainkhan) | 52.17 | 96% | 2021-04-27 |
18541. | faris (deatheater914) | 52.17 | 94% | 2018-04-18 |
18542. | Nathan (konan1126) | 52.17 | 96% | 2018-01-21 |
18543. | syed (alishah110) | 52.17 | 96% | 2017-08-23 |
18544. | GODSPEED (flashahyea) | 52.16 | 94% | 2022-12-28 |
18545. | Creamy Koala (creamy_koala) | 52.16 | 94% | 2021-05-25 |
18546. | Aaron (lazymax) | 52.16 | 97% | 2021-01-28 |
18547. | Speed is relative (hvan1998) | 52.13 | 95% | 2020-09-19 |
18548. | Le Kang (kangkanglw) | 52.13 | 92% | 2021-05-04 |
18549. | Robotrage (robotrage) | 52.12 | 94% | 2017-07-26 |
18550. | Albert (ag100) | 52.12 | 97.1% | 2023-10-19 |
18551. | Cody (cwillis20) | 52.12 | 97% | 2018-07-19 |
18552. | Mountassir (bmountassir) | 52.11 | 95% | 2022-06-03 |
18553. | Nicholas (erpanter) | 52.11 | 97% | 2023-04-01 |
18554. | Feri (meferi) | 52.10 | 96% | 2023-10-09 |
18555. | Tavis (tavislarkin) | 52.10 | 96% | 2023-02-15 |
18556. | Jeffrey (jeffreedom29) | 52.10 | 95% | 2021-06-20 |
18557. | Nikos (2point2) | 52.10 | 96% | 2021-02-10 |
18558. | ɥsǝdǝǝᗡ (toxin_d) | 52.09 | 95% | 2021-09-27 |
18559. | ss (aaassssss) | 52.09 | 95% | 2022-05-15 |
18560. | JP (supertyperguy2020) | 52.09 | 98% | 2021-11-19 |
18561. | kunal (kunalkan) | 52.09 | 98% | 2019-04-05 |
18562. | Raqeeb Ameen (raqeeb_ameen) | 52.08 | 96% | 2022-02-28 |
18563. | Arun (arun9486) | 52.07 | 82% | 2017-03-20 |
18564. | Nick (ohtoo) | 52.06 | 97% | 2021-01-14 |
18565. | Nicola (shougt) | 52.06 | 95% | 2021-10-23 |
Universe | Races | Average WPM | First Race |
Default (English) | 38,195 | 81.23 | January 14, 2017 |
Instant Death Mode | 52 | 91.25 | January 27, 2019 |
ᗜ Stenography | 3 | 76.03 | September 28, 2022 |
All TypeRacer Texts | 1 | 112.14 | June 7, 2021 |