Text #3620331

I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despicable fabrication of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they've shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justify all that has happened.

—from The Brothers Karamazov, a book by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Active since November 11, 2016.
607 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
9509. Isaac (shekimod) 71.25 96% 2022-09-19
9510. Hassan (hamoro) 71.25 96% 2021-07-09
9511. Raf (sskepta) 71.25 95% 2017-04-06
9512. Kent (kentromio) 71.23 96% 2018-12-27
9513. Morin (lordgroovy) 71.23 95% 2020-03-27
9514. GXFighter (gxfighter) 71.22 98% 2023-01-11
9515. David (eglamire) 71.22 97% 2020-02-18
9516. vipul (vip_ul16) 71.21 96% 2022-11-14
9517. zipline (hwiechers) 71.20 97% 2018-03-17
9518. Shahil Suresh (roylar_range... 71.20 94% 2022-07-25
9519. AvocadoTM (avocadotm) 71.17 96% 2023-03-17
9520. (roiii) 71.16 95% 2019-04-15
9521. red (redwelter) 71.15 97% 2022-08-15
9522. Neptune (neptune_22) 71.14 95% 2021-01-03
9523. Treat (treatthorpe) 71.12 96% 2023-09-14
9524. TOTC (take_on_the_challenge) 71.12 98% 2022-05-03
9525. Siddharth (sid_1310) 71.11 97% 2023-04-12
9526. Clément (ccdgamer) 71.10 96% 2016-12-26
9527. SlowToType (sl0wtotype) 71.10 96% 2023-09-12
9528. Hadi (hadinmz) 71.10 97% 2021-05-11
9529. Ahnaf (tazvedr) 71.09 96% 2022-03-19
9530. nadeem (nadeemgujjar) 71.08 98.9% 2021-02-22
9531. GBT (r_tog) 71.07 96% 2022-05-29
9532. Rasmus (azelo) 71.06 90% 2016-12-02
9533. parteek (parteek) 71.06 98% 2020-11-24
9534. Joker_Lobo (waleed_lobo) 71.03 96% 2024-04-29
9535. Sohaib (sohaib_khan_) 71.02 97.1% 2024-01-03
9536. Jake (shadow5253) 71.01 96% 2022-08-29
9537. Kennedy (vanmankennedy) 70.99 97% 2023-12-16
9538. Ben (thebenman7dv) 70.97 96% 2022-01-19


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 17,619 99.33 November 11, 2016
Long Texts 55 106.55 December 30, 2016
Instant Death Mode 10 120.14 December 18, 2017
ᗜ Stenography 1 87.79 April 28, 2022