Text #3640709

Dear Sushie, You followed Mario, didn't you? How are you doing? I never expected you'd go with him. I want to hear about you, Mario and everything else, so why don't you come to see me when you finish traveling? If you have a hard time climbing the tree, I'll come down for you.

—from Paper Mario, a game by Nintendo of America

Active since June 27, 2017.
278 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 7,181
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
5259. Kenny (moshine) 60.69 95% 2019-09-27
5260. ItzHaniel (itzhaniel) 60.69 97% 2020-09-08
5261. Jacob (gadekaja) 60.66 96% 2018-01-19
5262. KPoke (kpoke) 60.65 96% 2020-10-24
5263. Giang (gianglaodai) 60.64 98% 2017-12-23
5264. Abyssallier (abyssallier) 60.62 97% 2017-12-16
5265. Beau (beaubafett) 60.62 97% 2020-10-10
5266. mike (yyu2017) 60.62 98% 2017-08-27
5267. Hashrin (hashrin) 60.62 98% 2017-10-28
5268. Matt (makeanameforyourself) 60.60 97% 2019-09-02
5269. Orange (orange_5_) 60.60 94% 2019-04-09
5270. ali (aliselim) 60.59 95% 2018-07-02
5271. Ganesh (ganeshcrats) 60.58 98% 2017-07-21
5272. Trabota (trabota) 60.58 96% 2020-05-26
5273. Dan (danzibar) 60.57 99% 2019-02-17
5274. Ryuen (ryuenle) 60.56 93% 2018-03-09
5275. mr_mystery (mr_mystery021001) 60.53 97% 2019-08-14
5276. ttd (ttdchango) 60.53 94% 2019-08-17
5277. Bryz (bryz2k3) 60.52 97% 2019-08-13
5278. Harry (ha6000) 60.50 96% 2020-10-05
5279. Милош (sajiptj) 60.48 94% 2019-04-06
5280. Halley (picassobaby) 60.48 95% 2020-05-04
5281. slow (fhskfdjsa) 60.48 98% 2017-07-13
5282. NeoX (neoxbit) 60.46 97% 2020-08-04
5283. Szymon (bany640) 60.44 97% 2018-01-07
5284. Michael (truestrix) 60.44 96% 2019-09-04
5285. Jackson (kane2044) 60.44 97% 2019-05-10
5286. Dave (davetwo) 60.44 97% 2020-12-09
5287. Daniel (canigetusername) 60.42 94% 2019-07-31
5288. Tony (tnguy271) 60.42 93% 2018-10-15


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 10,656 80.46 June 27, 2017
Instant Death Mode 36 86.33 September 15, 2017
Video Games 13 63.30 November 19, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 12 59.67 September 30, 2022
Nintendo 8 58.95 February 2, 2021
michaelderoche 2 100.26 April 27, 2017
All TypeRacer Texts 1 74.70 July 25, 2021