Text analysis for sghsghg (sghsghg)

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Rank Text Best WPM Overall Difficulty Relative Speed Text Length Races Average WPM Last race
1. In a hamlet of ten households, there are bound to be those w... 96.37 1.1039 0.1789 204 1 96.37 2024-04-15
2. It is hard to make that boat go as fast as you want to. The ... 93.84 1.0567 0.1726 375 1 93.84 2024-04-15
3. Now that I look back, I don't know why I was so stressed abo... 92.14 1.1108 0.0963 164 1 92.14 2024-04-15
4. Ultimately, this is not about solving your problems. It's ab... 90.28 1.0510 0.1472 260 1 90.28 2024-04-15
5. If I could go back to the day we met, what would I do? Perha... 90.07 1.0620 0.1163 326 1 90.07 2024-04-15
6. The melted mozzarella layer, which we shall designate MML, i... 88.92 1.0096 0.1749 217 2 82.31 2024-04-06
7. Remembering you running soft through the night. You were big... 88.46 1.0756 0.0983 210 1 88.46 2024-04-15
8. Does losing prove that you are weak? Isn't losing difficult ... 88.00 1.1064 0.0470 243 1 88.00 2024-04-06
9. One day Grandpa began to forget things. It was little things... 87.46 1.0617 0.0896 381 1 87.46 2024-03-26
10. What was the power that turned the worm into a moth? It was ... 86.99 1.0431 0.0958 188 1 86.99 2024-04-06
11. Your face has fallen sad now, for you know the time is nigh.... 85.93 1.0837 0.0536 243 2 85.09 2024-04-06
12. The road is long with many a winding turn that leads us to w... 85.65 1.0214 0.0993 152 1 85.65 2024-04-06
13. There was a stage and a PA up in western Massachusetts and t... 85.41 1.0060 0.1274 304 1 85.41 2024-04-06
14. Imagine for a moment if we once again knew these few unremar... 84.34 1.0586 0.0600 407 1 84.34 2024-04-06
15. In the late 1960s, a growing number of people became concern... 83.30 0.9540 0.1541 383 1 83.30 2024-04-15
16. Selling short is a way to make money if stock prices fall. I... 82.41 1.0792 0.0219 230 1 82.41 2024-04-15
17. The only difference between lying and acting was whether you... 81.92 1.0773 -0.0071 128 1 81.92 2024-03-26
18. This was the most delicious meal he'd had in recent years, a... 79.18 1.0071 0.0472 281 1 79.18 2024-04-15
19. The otter philosophy is all about embracing the realization ... 77.04 1.0328 -0.0251 355 1 77.04 2024-04-15
20. I don't want tickets, I need you to find me a painting, a cl... 76.56 1.0423 -0.0278 277 1 76.56 2024-04-15
21. Buddy sat down beside me. He put his arm around my waist and... 76.49 0.9401 0.0803 210 1 76.49 2024-04-06
22. What else do I get with it? - You get a gold-plated Rolls Ro... 75.53 0.9151 0.0896 446 1 75.53 2024-04-06
23. Spooky, scary skeletons send shivers down your spine. Shriek... 74.20 0.9124 0.0572 240 1 74.20 2024-04-06
24. Around midafternoon, the snow thinned into sleet, and some u... 73.35 0.9760 0.0032 203 1 73.35 2024-04-06
25. Having endured the racial turmoil of the Civil Rights Moveme... 72.23 0.9562 0.0046 389 1 72.23 2024-03-26
26. In 1969 four computers located around the country were in co... 63.23 0.9002 -0.0548 369 1 63.23 2024-03-26