Text analysis for Razya (razya)

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Rank Text Best WPM Overall Difficulty Relative Speed Text Length Races Average WPM Last race
1. Every time people try to punish the rich, the rich don't sim... 95.55 1.0053 0.2836 411 1 95.55 2024-01-19
2. Owning a twelve-foot ladder in New York is a probable sign o... 92.78 1.0452 0.2063 129 1 92.78 2024-01-15
3. Sitting back and doing nothing, or worse, criticizing others... 87.31 1.0416 0.1361 205 1 87.31 2024-01-16
4. The truth of the matter is that there are a lot of available... 83.79 1.0204 0.1099 242 1 83.79 2024-10-07
5. No one would ever say, "Come and join us, Caroline," so I wo... 83.55 1.0415 0.0855 259 1 83.55 2024-01-16
6. But I have one want which I have never yet been able to sati... 82.81 1.0691 0.0479 155 1 82.81 2024-10-07
7. Dad warmed to his pep talk. "You've got to have perfect accu... 82.74 0.9911 0.1250 466 1 82.74 2024-01-28
8. The pickpockets' profession demands extraordinary nimbleness... 82.59 0.9412 0.1729 184 1 82.59 2024-10-07
9. The sun, the moon, the stars, shine less brightly with you s... 82.21 1.0906 0.0183 247 1 82.21 2024-10-07
10. You just couldn't let me go, could you? This is what happens... 66.70 0.9587 -0.0590 334 1 66.70 2024-01-15
11. It's a blue savanna song: somewhere cross the desert, someti... 62.92 1.0112 -0.1625 213 1 62.92 2024-01-15