View Pit Stop page for race #48611 by viellain — Ghost race
View profile for 猞楌煣涒 猞撯樉鉁光湳饾殔饾殥饾殠饾殨饾殨饾殠鉁湽鈽解 (viellain)
Official speed | 163.18 wpm (21.84 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | November 1, 2022 9:59:25pm UTC |
Race Finish | November 1, 2022 9:59:47pm UTC |
Outcome | No win (1 of 1) |
Accuracy | 99.0% |
Points | 114.23 |
Text | #3622269 (Length: 297 characters) Sliding-window flow controls are designed to provide reliable services in a more efficient way, using less network bandwidth for acknowledgments. The sliding-window technique basically lets the sender transmit multiple packets at a time and use the transmission channel as efficiently as possible. |