View Pit Stop page for race #48609 by viellain — Ghost race
View profile for 猞楌煣涒 猞撯樉鉁光湳饾殔饾殥饾殠饾殨饾殨饾殠鉁湽鈽解 (viellain)
Official speed | 176.33 wpm (17.22 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | November 1, 2022 9:45:51pm UTC |
Race Finish | November 1, 2022 9:46:08pm UTC |
Outcome | No win (1 of 1) |
Accuracy | 98.0% |
Points | 146.94 |
Text | #3810511 (Length: 253 characters) Now wait a minute. Just a minute. There's only one thing you need in life to make you happy, and that is friends. That's all you need is friends, and then you'll be happy. So if you have friends, you'll be a happy person. You also need food and clothes. |