
Race #214590

View Pit Stop page for race #214590 by mononym_jisooGhost race

View profile for (mononym_jisoo)

Official speed 179.65 wpm (3.34 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 183.71 wpm (74 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 184.22 wpm (9 ms elapsed before first character typed; 3.26 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 180.53 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start May 26, 2024 12:44:13am UTC
Race Finish May 26, 2024 12:44:16am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 98.1%
Points 32.94
Text #3550614 (Length: 50 characters)

You're asking me why? I did it 'cause I was bored.

Characters typed You're asking me why?I I did it 'cause I was bored.
Character Y o u ' r e a s k i n g m e w h y ? I - -I
Milliseconds 9 21 14 119 68 25 32 74 0 43 76 74 90 14 30 64 42 60 49 85 95 271 57 259 69
Character I d i d i t ' c a u s e I w a s b o
Milliseconds 77 89 50 72 76 25 82 23 48 42 49 60 90 45 74 46 30 55 64 88 17 15 47 29 26
Character r e d .
Milliseconds 62 15 104 26
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.07 538.95
0.13 269.48
0.2 239.54
0.27 269.48
0.33 251.51
0.4 269.48
0.47 256.64
0.53 247.02
0.6 239.54
0.67 251.51
0.73 244.98
0.8 254.51
0.87 248.75
0.94 243.81
1 239.54
1.07 224.56
1.14 221.92
1.2 209.59
1.27 198.56
1.34 188.63
1.4 179.65
1.47 171.49
1.54 164.03
1.6 157.2
1.67 150.91
1.74 145.1
1.8 139.73
1.87 141.15
1.94 142.48
2 143.72
2.07 144.88
2.14 151.58
2.2 146.99
2.27 153.23
2.34 159.12
2.4 159.69
2.47 160.23
2.54 160.74
2.61 161.23
2.67 161.69
2.74 166.51
2.81 166.82
2.87 167.12
2.94 167.4
3.01 175.66
3.07 179.65
3.14 183.47
3.21 179.65
3.27 183.32
3.34 179.65