Ernestas (ernis417)

Race #3

View Pit Stop page for race #3 by ernis417Ghost race

View profile for Ernestas (ernis417)

Official speed 49.88 wpm (71.69 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 53.55 wpm (6,705 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 54.18 wpm (756 ms elapsed before first character typed; 64.23 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 53.99 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 28, 2023 2:40:03pm UTC
Race Finish December 28, 2023 2:41:15pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 93.5%
Points 38.24
Text #1300020 (Length: 298 characters)

Kiek keliai turi vyras nužengti iki paskambinkite jam vyras? Taip, ir kiek jūros turi baltas balandis plaukti prieš ji miega ant smėlio? Taip, ir kiek kartų turi branduolių skristi prieš juos visada uždrausta? Atsakymas, mano draugas, tai Blowin 'in the Wind; atsakymas Blowin' in the Wind.

Characters typed Kiek keliai turi vyras nu\emnngti kiki paskambinkite jam vyras? Tauiop, ir kiek j\ros turi baltas vbabbalandsiis palaukti prie\ ji miega ant sm\lio? tTaip, ir kiek tkart\ turi bvranduoioli\\\ skritsti prie\ juos visada i\u\drasuusta? atAtasasakymas , , nmamano drauygagas, tai Blowin ""'in the wWindL ; atsakymas Blowin; '' in the wWind.
Character K i e k k e l i a i t u r i v y r a s n u
Milliseconds 756 609 142 131 119 168 83 121 199 106 88 108 178 124 100 122 121 141 151 116 131 69 76 160 209
Character \ e m n -n -m n g t i k -k i k i p a s k a m b i
Milliseconds 240 0 231 8 371 328 219 96 259 167 147 163 249 167 184 145 61 150 86 83 152 56 234 205 123
Character n k i t e j a m v y r a s ? T a u -u i o -o p
Milliseconds 250 208 173 75 207 106 140 75 151 44 158 168 117 120 72 240 303 620 156 203 386 203 242 428 106
Character , i r k i e k j \ r o s t u r i b a l t
Milliseconds 277 205 295 112 57 167 171 83 119 88 408 372 0 265 164 95 205 168 131 278 91 134 198 89 81
Character a s v b a -a -b b -b -v b a l a n d s i -i -s i s p
Milliseconds 105 55 48 139 0 183 241 167 213 223 148 114 164 98 104 193 60 304 112 255 168 139 65 73 128
Character a -a l a u k t i p r i e \ j i m i e g a a
Milliseconds 160 236 115 105 165 177 54 148 142 234 113 156 209 311 0 127 196 49 174 206 47 208 120 123 143
Character n t s m \ l i o ? t -t T a i p , i r k i e
Milliseconds 166 110 102 284 99 296 0 243 162 265 171 202 267 183 100 198 232 342 190 170 77 86 119 158 65
Character k t -t k a r t \ t u r i b v -v r a n d u o i
Milliseconds 116 86 117 284 285 93 101 164 216 0 313 126 141 120 98 163 10 498 106 82 160 91 181 214 5
Character -i o -o l i \ -\ \ -\ \ s k r i t -t s t i p r i e
Milliseconds 475 104 299 109 223 491 0 0 0 0 0 456 120 145 129 122 291 25 128 136 114 185 77 144 48
Character \ j u o s v i s a d a i \ -\ -i u \ d r a s u
Milliseconds 224 0 120 172 178 46 54 178 136 77 92 103 94 489 505 309 0 0 380 136 0 201 86 127 128
Character -u -s u s t a ? a t -t -a A t a s a -a -s -a s a k y m
Milliseconds 351 134 399 129 139 93 349 342 293 197 217 151 219 160 117 121 103 252 126 152 82 42 128 196 274
Character a s , - -, - , n m a -a -m -n m a n o d r a u
Milliseconds 79 78 81 145 140 202 143 137 105 138 245 0 82 359 111 144 207 137 261 222 119 345 181 58 95
Character y g a -a -g -y g a s , t a i B l o w i n " -" "
Milliseconds 6 109 134 160 148 166 255 104 86 96 194 134 85 134 91 663 211 192 113 97 192 119 644 392 184
Character -" ' i n t h e w -w W i n d L - -L ; a t s a
Milliseconds 395 81 338 358 146 98 101 134 77 174 369 129 157 251 120 463 240 262 143 126 273 150 160 191 28
Character k y m a s B l o w i n ; - ' -' -; ' i n t h
Milliseconds 123 178 204 73 72 72 403 247 200 107 107 200 368 215 235 258 300 156 5 490 157 202 63 104 87
Character e w -w W i n d .
Milliseconds 141 134 150 339 159 103 216 89 191
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
1.43 16.74
2.87 54.4
4.3 66.95
5.74 58.58
7.17 56.91
8.6 61.37
10.04 64.56
11.47 63.81
12.9 59.51
14.34 57.75
15.77 59.34
17.21 59.98
18.64 59.87
20.07 59.18
21.51 57.47
22.94 58.58
24.38 60.06
25.81 60.91
27.24 60.35
28.68 60.26
30.11 60.58
31.54 61.63
32.98 61.49
34.41 59.63
35.85 59.25
37.28 60.84
38.71 61.37
40.15 60.38
41.58 59.16
43.02 58.58
44.45 57.23
45.88 57.28
47.32 56.05
48.75 55.63
50.18 55.24
51.62 55.56
53.05 55.64
54.49 54.4
55.92 54.51
57.35 53.98
58.79 53.48
60.22 54.2
61.66 53.72
63.09 53.07
64.52 53.38
65.96 54.22
67.39 53.06
68.82 51.96
70.26 50.9
71.69 49.88