mayank (dids6121)

Race #8126

View Pit Stop page for race #8126 by dids6121Ghost race

View profile for mayank (dids6121)

Official speed 80.94 wpm (37.81 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start December 17, 2020 9:53:03pm UTC
Race Finish December 17, 2020 9:53:41pm UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 5)
Opponents 1. zombie_kid_likes_turtles (100.98 wpm)
2. canonjayde (88.75 wpm)
4. dncoble (77.55 wpm)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 64.76
Text #4350377 (Length: 255 characters)

There were people who lied for gain, people who lied from pain, people who lied simply because the concept of telling the truth was utterly alien to them... and then there were people who lied because they were waiting for it to be time to tell the truth.