root (chroot)

Race #511

View Pit Stop page for race #511 by chrootGhost race

View profile for root (chroot)

Official speed 68.88 wpm (100.87 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start February 6, 2021 2:21:09am UTC
Race Finish February 6, 2021 2:22:50am UTC
Outcome No win (4 of 5)
Opponents 1. idkwhyyyy (79.86 wpm)
2. bianxining (73.83 wpm)
3. pandapool2780 (71.05 wpm)
Accuracy 96.0%
Points 123.98
Text #4350692 (Length: 579 characters)

I wanted to know what had pushed them over the brink, and why some had broken down as a result of that experience while others had been able to go on with their lives. Most of the men I interviewed had gone to war feeling well prepared, drawn close by the rigors of basic training and the shared danger. They exchanged pictures of their families and girlfriends; they put up with one another's flaws. And they were prepared to risk their lives for their friends. Most of them confided their dark secrets to a buddy, and some went so far as to share each other's shirts and socks.