BESTYINA (vdud3)

Race #31886

View Pit Stop page for race #31886 by vdud3Ghost race

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Official speed 126.31 wpm (60.99 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start May 2, 2019 11:08:25pm UTC
Race Finish May 2, 2019 11:09:26pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 4)
Opponents 2. poem (107.39 wpm)
3. killawhale425 (96.40 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 197.88
Text #4180234 (Length: 642 characters)

At the heart of science is inquiry, a search for information and explanations of natural phenomena. There is no formula for successful scientific inquiry, no single scientific method that researchers must rigidly follow. As in all quests, science includes elements of challenge, adventure, and luck, along with careful planning, reasoning, creativity, patience, and the persistence to overcome setbacks. Such diverse elements of inquiry make science far less structured than most people realize. That said, it is possible to distill certain characteristics that help to distinguish science from other ways of describing and explaining nature.