Alan (alanfortlink)

Race #2646

View Pit Stop page for race #2646 by alanfortlinkGhost race

View profile for Alan (alanfortlink)

Official speed 81.48 wpm (71.43 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start October 29, 2019 3:36:54pm UTC
Race Finish October 29, 2019 3:38:05pm UTC
Outcome No win (4 of 5)
Opponents 1. mattlo (111.42 wpm)
2. ephenssta (107.34 wpm)
3. nolmegar (102.30 wpm)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 123.58
Text #3550354 (Length: 485 characters)

Honestly, if you could see just what was going on outside your realm of perception, it would blow your minds! That's the main reason I kept it back. If I were to give you an analogy, I'd describe it like this: when a duck swims on the water, you only see it glide, apparently effortlessly across the lake. But underneath, as in beneath the surface, it's a whole different story. Its legs are moving like it's pedaling a bicycle up a mountain! Well, that's me right now. I am that duck!