Badog (mississauga145)

Race #146

View Pit Stop page for race #146 by mississauga145Ghost race

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Official speed 66.70 wpm (59.01 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start April 18, 2016 8:56:17am UTC
Race Finish April 18, 2016 8:57:16am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Opponents 2. zdravce988 (61.52 wpm)
Accuracy 92.0%
Points 0.00
Text #270 (Length: 328 characters)

Sholes consulted with an educator who helped him analyze the most common pairings of letters in the English language. He then split up those letters so that their type bars were farther apart and less likely to jam. That in turn dictated the layout of the keyboard - known as QWERTY, for the first five letters in the upper row.