Anmol (anmol_up70)

Race #1313

View Pit Stop page for race #1313 by anmol_up70Ghost race

View profile for Anmol (anmol_up70)

Official speed 91.78 wpm (38.31 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start May 22, 2022 2:59:21pm UTC
Race Finish May 22, 2022 2:59:59pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 2. yuvi_birdi (89.52 wpm)
3. mayank1508 (82.98 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 82.60
Text #4350062 (Length: 293 characters)

It's one thing to question your mind; it's another to question your eyes and ears. But then again, isn't it all the same, our senses just mediocre inputs for our brain? Sure, we rely on them, trust they accurately portray the real world around us, but what if the haunting truth is they can't?