Yam (metrictensor)

Race #1123

View Pit Stop page for race #1123 by metrictensorGhost race

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Official speed 108.55 wpm (35.15 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start January 23, 2023 6:17:49pm UTC
Race Finish January 23, 2023 6:18:25pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 2. unsalek (102.71 wpm)
3. bilboballins (102.34 wpm)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 97.70
Text #4060127 (Length: 318 characters)

There's no such thing as a painless lesson, they just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary. You can't gain anything without losing something first. Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it, you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Yeah... a heart made fullmetal.