Mashooq "Qwerty Shnogurt" (thefastmanthefast)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 December 8, 11:46:49am UTC)
Races 2,060
Best last 10 races 187.05 wpm
Best single race 218.74 wpm
Average of fastest races
211.95 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 168.8932 wpm (1,300 total texts raced)
Wins 1,822 (88.45%)
Points 290,848.80
Average career speed 167.55 wpm
Accuracy 98.19%
100% accuracy races 188 wpm (6.46% of all races)
Career standard deviation 14.09 wpm
Coefficient of variation 8.41%
Top marathon 98 races in 24 hours, starting 2020 November 16, 9:06am

View Pit Stop page for Mashooq "Qwerty Shnogurt" (thefastmanthefast)

View text analysis of races by Mashooq "Qwerty Shnogurt" (thefastmanthefast)


Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
March 2021 176.09 191.64 16 15 93.75
February 2021 175.17 200.19 28 28 100
January 2021 179.52 208.76 110 105 95.45
December 2020 171.72 209.14 275 243 88.36
November 2020 163.30 211.71 459 363 79.08
October 2020 168.80 218.74 808 734 90.84
September 2020 162.12 195.62 350 322 92.00
August 2020 168.86 203.88 14 12 85.71
List last races
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
2060. 2021-03-21 12:18:58 178.33 Try to keep in mind that a young person playing Willy Loman ... Win (1 of 3) 98% 143
2059. 2021-03-21 12:12:22 165.32 Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow, bright blue his jacket i... Win (1 of 2) 99% 107
2058. 2021-03-21 12:11:53 170.24 Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have ma... Win (1 of 3) 99% 102
2057. 2021-03-21 12:11:12 191.16 For one who contradicts emptiness there would be nothing tha... Win (1 of 4) 99% 76
2056. 2021-03-21 12:09:31 172.93 And I think how hope may be the thing that pulls you forward... Win (1 of 3) 99% 144
2055. 2021-03-21 12:07:25 177.42 I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. And I'll f... Win (1 of 3) 99% 254
2054. 2021-03-21 12:06:33 164.70 After removal from the oven, the pizza is sliced and plated ... Win (1 of 5) 99% 143
2053. 2021-03-17 08:55:36 178.61 You don't care about anything except you. You just want to p... Win (1 of 5) 99% 131
2052. 2021-03-01 07:37:33 163.60 All the world used her ill, said this young misanthropist...... Win (1 of 3) 98% 221
2051. 2021-03-01 05:56:10 185.53 There was a little boy once upon a time who in spite of his ... Win (1 of 4) 99% 136
2050. 2021-03-01 05:54:59 180.62 You asked me why I don't have original art? I've had three d... Win (1 of 5) 99% 102
2049. 2021-03-01 05:54:04 168.53 I still see your shadows in my room, can't take back the lov... Win (1 of 5) 98% 202
2048. 2021-03-01 05:53:19 181.93 One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is t... Win (1 of 5) 99% 136
2047. 2021-03-01 05:52:34 160.98 I have proved in my own case that it is of no small benefit ... Win (1 of 4) 97% 172
2046. 2021-03-01 05:50:52 185.90 I only know that learning to believe in the power of my own ... Win (1 of 5) 99% 133
2045. 2021-03-01 05:49:31 191.64 You get a shiver in the dark, it's a-raining in the park but... No win (1 of 1) 99% 131
2044. 2021-02-19 22:22:48 169.33 Sometimes he awoke with a feeling of fragments afloat in his... Win (1 of 2) 98.9% 87
2043. 2021-02-17 23:03:19 167.92 You see I used to shoot game for them. Well, he wanted it, a... Win (1 of 3) 98% 202
2042. 2021-02-17 22:59:34 163.19 I would never want to belong to any club that would have som... Win (1 of 2) 96.5% 87
2041. 2021-02-17 21:19:09 189.81 There are times when all the world's asleep, the questions r... Win (1 of 3) 99.5% 123


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 2,060 218.74 168.89 1,300 March 21, 2021