
Country: Canada

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 27, 1:32:38am UTC)
Races 1
Best last 10 races 0 wpm
Best single race 179.31 wpm
Average of fastest races
179.31 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 179.31 wpm (1 total texts raced)
Wins 1 (100%)
Points 23.91
Average career speed 179.31 wpm
Accuracy 100%
100% accuracy races 179.31 wpm (100% of all races)
Career standard deviation 0 wpm
Coefficient of variation 0%
Top marathon 1 race in 24 hours, starting 2020 December 15, 2:14am

View Pit Stop page for (keegant)

View text analysis of races by (keegant)


Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
December 2020 179.31 179.31 1 1 100
List last races
List fastest races

Last 1 Race

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
1. 2020-12-15 02:14:15 179.31 The prosecution will wait... I'm not finished eating. Win (1 of 2) 100% 24


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 1,008,301 390.66 177.48 11,861 July 23, 2024
KeeganT's Universe 287 415.38 178.10 74 July 7, 2024
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 234 280.58 148.91 49 January 1, 2021
Coder Edition 136 168.97 92.20 23 September 30, 2021
o4do0q2x8u 64 163.00 130.27 56 July 27, 2019
Numbers 40 216.87 40.93 31 October 31, 2019
Cheating Universe 30 10,000.00 5,794.37 2 December 20, 2019
michaelderoche 29 10,000.00 874.13 15 July 22, 2019
Jon's Universe. Quack! 28 422.36 327.81 3 October 2, 2020
Temporary Indonesian Universe #2 22 233.60 155.42 17 November 1, 2019
French 21 206.57 107.15 13 July 4, 2024
GNiK's Lair 17 409.09 259.10 3 June 15, 2019
Repeating Words 17 414.28 226.14 16 June 30, 2024
Easy Texts 16 206.63 154.38 13 June 15, 2019
Bible (NKJV) 15 158.83 136.48 14 November 1, 2019
timjeffery44 15 211.90 165.35 8 April 16, 2020
Puns 13 173.03 132.24 13 November 1, 2019
Marathon 12 142.90 129.49 9 March 20, 2024
11 183.85 138.56 7 June 24, 2022
Instant Death Mode 11 228.90 186.78 9 April 30, 2020
spu and his friends 10 207.44 173.64 10 July 24, 2020
Dutch 10 101.61 78.67 8 April 5, 2019
Italian 10 141.83 95.74 7 January 28, 2021
Championship 2017 10 144.19 101.21 6 June 15, 2019
Indonesian 9 88.43 76.59 9 March 15, 2020
belinday 7 135.52 98.53 6 November 1, 2019
Russian 6 25.73 21.12 6 December 16, 2020
breaking news 6 276.62 178.07 4 May 19, 2022
Really Hard Texts 5 107.08 96.85 5 November 1, 2019
Noah 5 166.28 121.68 4 November 1, 2019
Afrikaans 5 101.48 95.58 2 June 23, 2019
Bible 5 151.19 135.41 5 June 15, 2019
House of Typing - September 2018 5 119.16 115.70 3 September 13, 2018
Spanish 5 136.78 100.07 4 July 2, 2020
TypeRacer for Kids 5 140.48 125.18 5 June 15, 2019
Family Guy Quotes 5 135.72 116.87 5 June 15, 2019
iPhone App Test Universe 5 185.79 169.41 2 June 23, 2019
Malay 4 88.79 70.29 4 May 9, 2020
Danish 3 112.12 81.80 2 July 9, 2019
Portuguese 3 97.32 86.87 3 April 5, 2019
German 3 128.04 102.39 2 March 12, 2020
Croatian 2 79.46 79.46 1 April 5, 2019
Dictionary 2 183.11 181.14 2 October 1, 2021
Nitro type 2 159.81 137.98 2 November 1, 2019
dtt 2 111.79 105.52 2 June 15, 2019
andrea's spanish texts 2 180.53 180.53 1 July 23, 2020
New English Texts Are Here 1 157.48 157.48 1 July 23, 2020
Srbija 1 116.30 116.30 1 July 23, 2020
New Italian Texts 1 83.94 83.94 1 July 23, 2020
Smoke Rise Prep 1 160.08 160.08 1 July 23, 2020
ec0g0ds 1 141.37 141.37 1 July 23, 2020
VocabGenii 1 134.10 134.10 1 July 23, 2020
Thai 1 5.33 5.33 1 July 23, 2020
SAT Vocabulary 1 144.47 144.47 1 July 23, 2020
Video Games 1 179.31 179.31 1 December 15, 2020
Czech 1 29.99 29.99 1 July 23, 2020
Deutsch Wörterbuch 1 90.46 90.46 1 January 7, 2022
NewSpanishTexts 1 74.21 74.21 1 July 23, 2020
Sean Wrona's Universe 1 167.22 167.22 1 July 23, 2020
Filipino 1 67.45 67.45 1 August 20, 2019
pastebin.com/yd47Y898 1 147.94 147.94 1 May 27, 2019
Dudiellon's Typeracer 1 96.70 96.70 1 July 23, 2020
Home of 2020's New Texts 1 149.01 149.01 1 March 16, 2020
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 1 136.74 136.74 1 April 6, 2020
##typeracer 1 165.64 165.64 1 July 23, 2020
Valikor's Typeracer 1 132.39 132.39 1 July 23, 2020
andreaak 1 112.85 112.85 1 July 23, 2020
New French Texts 1 110.64 110.64 1 July 23, 2020
Turkish 1 28.96 28.96 1 July 23, 2020
New English Texts 1 157.16 157.16 1 July 23, 2020
New Italian Texts 1 80.49 80.49 1 July 23, 2020
Home of 2018's New Texts 1 150.94 150.94 1 July 23, 2020
Home of 2019's new texts 1 127.42 127.42 1 July 23, 2020
Take Note 1 102.23 102.23 1 July 23, 2020
Catalan 1 70.87 70.87 1 June 23, 2019