Country: Indonesia
Races | 8 |
Best last 10 races | 0 wpm |
Best single race | 52.23 wpm |
45.86 wpm | |
Fastest race from each text, average | 45.8638 wpm (8 total texts raced) |
Wins | 2 (25%) |
Points | 0.00 |
Average career speed | 45.86 wpm |
Accuracy | 86.13% |
100% accuracy races | 0 wpm (0% of all races) |
Career standard deviation | 4.74 wpm |
Coefficient of variation | 10.33% |
Top marathon | 8 races in 24 hours, starting 2015 March 24, 8:50am |
View Pit Stop page for iwey (iwey05)
View text analysis of races by iwey (iwey05)
Month | Average | Best | Races | Wins | Win % |
March 2015 | 45.86 | 52.23 | 8 | 2 | 25.00 |
Race | Date | WPM | Text | Outcome | Acc. | Points |
8. | 2015-03-24 09:09:34 | 51.50 | I sincerely believe that if women study male lessons on conc... | No win (2 of 2) | 90% | — |
7. | 2015-03-24 09:05:03 | 37.43 | How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a ma... | Win (1 of 2) | 88% | — |
6. | 2015-03-24 09:02:38 | 43.43 | Now I want you to think and stop being a smart aleck. A man'... | No win (2 of 2) | 83% | — |
5. | 2015-03-24 09:01:03 | 45.67 | At first they had tried to keep the finding quiet. After all... | No win (3 of 4) | 85% | — |
4. | 2015-03-24 08:59:16 | 48.96 | The terminator wouldn't stop, it would never leave him. It w... | No win (3 of 5) | 91% | — |
3. | 2015-03-24 08:57:26 | 41.34 | Not too many days from this day, not too many hours from thi... | No win (3 of 5) | 79% | — |
2. | 2015-03-24 08:56:25 | 52.23 | Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, she... | Win (1 of 5) | 91% | — |
1. | 2015-03-24 08:50:45 | 46.35 | We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has take... | No win (2 of 2) | 82% | — |
Universe | Races | Best Race | Text Bests | Texts | Last Race |
Default (English) | 8 | 52.23 | 45.86 | 8 | March 24, 2015 |
Indonesian | 7 | 72.15 | 66.37 | 7 | March 25, 2015 |