idk man (ithatme)

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 26, 10:39:49pm UTC)
Races 7
Best last 10 races 0 wpm
Best single race 68.62 wpm
Average of fastest races
51.65 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 57.4667 wpm (3 total texts raced)
Wins 6 (85.71%)
Points 739.44
Average career speed 51.65 wpm
Accuracy 93.86%
100% accuracy races 0 wpm (0% of all races)
Career standard deviation 8.99 wpm
Coefficient of variation 17.41%
Top marathon 2 races in 24 hours, starting 2021 December 27, 8:55am

View Pit Stop page for idk man (ithatme)

View text analysis of races by idk man (ithatme)


Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
June 2024 60.02 60.02 1 1 100
November 2022 68.62 68.62 1 1 100
May 2022 51.51 51.51 1 1 100
March 2022 46.61 51.22 2 2 100
December 2021 44.10 44.43 2 1 50.00
List last races
List fastest races

Last 7 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
7. 2024-06-28 13:21:17 60.02 1.a) [MAN] A man ordered 2,000 drums of pink ping pong balls... Win (1 of 3) 95% 101
6. 2022-11-20 05:37:48 68.62 Premium membership is a way for us premium users to premiuml... Win (1 of 3) 96% 165
5. 2022-05-28 15:33:54 51.51 1.a) [MAN] A man ordered 2,000 drums of pink ping pong balls... Win (1 of 3) 94% 87
4. 2022-03-12 04:27:51 51.22 Premium membership is a way for us premium users to premiuml... Win (1 of 3) 93% 123
3. 2022-03-12 04:23:11 42.00 1.a) [MAN] A man ordered 2,000 drums of pink ping pong balls... Win (1 of 3) 93% 71
2. 2021-12-27 08:59:55 44.43 Premium membership is a way for us premium users to premiuml... No win (2 of 3) 92% 107
1. 2021-12-27 08:55:10 43.76 On my box I have Paul C Productions - or was it Prince Paul,... Win (1 of 3) 94% 87


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 2,961 120.18 75.23 1,942 July 23, 2024
Vietnamese 308 69.75 44.21 189 October 5, 2023
Dictionary 94 128.62 71.64 80 May 25, 2023
Numbers 89 61.51 26.73 45 August 6, 2023
Repeating Words 57 114.51 83.97 42 August 5, 2022
Coder Edition 23 73.73 47.40 14 August 11, 2023
TypeRacer for Kids 21 86.45 75.94 17 August 7, 2023
Anime 20 84.89 64.00 20 October 8, 2022
TypeRacer Classic 16 77.04 57.74 16 May 28, 2022
ᗜ Stenography 14 94.99 66.69 14 May 25, 2023
Jokes 13 73.53 59.15 12 October 8, 2022
Video Games 13 74.18 57.50 13 May 23, 2023
Long Texts 9 92.83 76.07 9 September 23, 2023
Easy Texts 9 120.84 68.44 9 July 28, 2023
Sean Wrona's Universe 8 80.99 70.56 8 October 8, 2022
Jon's Universe. Quack! 7 102.42 72.62 6 August 5, 2022
michaelderoche 7 89.18 76.77 7 August 11, 2023
Cheating Universe 7 126.93 83.31 4 July 23, 2023
Bible (NKJV) 7 91.24 71.13 7 July 5, 2022
Really Hard Texts 7 68.62 57.47 3 June 28, 2024
Book Contest 7 63.82 58.05 5 April 1, 2022
timjeffery44 6 60.24 56.15 6 April 19, 2022
My Lan Group 6 64.96 57.18 5 June 24, 2022
Championship 2017 5 68.11 55.04 3 June 21, 2022
breaking news 5 61.21 61.21 1 May 18, 2022
TalkRacer 5 66.46 59.48 2 July 5, 2022
Marathon 4 77.54 54.57 3 June 25, 2023
4 87.32 76.56 4 June 28, 2024
te66st 4 109.76 109.76 1 August 5, 2022
GNiK's Lair 4 63.36 54.87 3 May 28, 2022
dtt 3 57.16 53.49 2 May 10, 2022
belinday 3 78.01 78.01 1 May 23, 2023
Copypasta 3 51.30 49.61 3 November 28, 2021
Hip Hop Hits 3 73.51 67.67 3 May 18, 2022
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 3 61.30 55.46 2 December 17, 2021
Inspirational Quotes 3 57.03 54.11 3 April 19, 2022
iPhone App Test Universe 2 47.56 47.56 1 December 12, 2021
Harry Potter 2 82.68 78.25 2 May 29, 2022
KeeganT's Universe 2 64.66 61.71 2 December 24, 2021
Lady Gaga 2 61.61 61.61 1 December 12, 2021
New Vietnamese Texts 2 50.88 47.84 2 October 5, 2023
2 86.86 82.27 2 June 28, 2024
Instant Death Mode 2 117.78 85.67 2 June 25, 2023
All TypeRacer Texts 1 57.99 57.99 1 November 27, 2021
The Simpsons 1 57.51 57.51 1 December 3, 2021
1 36.57 36.57 1 October 13, 2022
Rhymes 1 42.31 42.31 1 November 24, 2021
1 49.05 49.05 1 May 23, 2023
Family Guy Quotes 1 65.47 65.47 1 May 23, 2023
Dutch 1 48.90 48.90 1 May 29, 2022
Swahili 1 42.39 42.39 1 May 29, 2022
1 80.52 80.52 1 June 28, 2024
Kung Fu Panda 1 51.10 51.10 1 December 12, 2021
Home of 2018's New Texts 1 64.61 64.61 1 May 8, 2022
Home of 2019's new texts 1 76.65 76.65 1 April 19, 2022
Home of 2020's New Texts 1 76.72 76.72 1 May 16, 2022
1 62.20 62.20 1 May 18, 2022
New Quotes 1 102.03 102.03 1 May 23, 2023
Feels Good Inc 1 85.79 85.79 1 June 28, 2024 1 55.72 55.72 1 May 8, 2022