
Sorted by average of best race on each text

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View ranks through of 91
Rank Racer Text Bests Races Texts Career Best 10 Best Race Points Wins Win % Marathon Last Race Variation
1. Carmel (m_carmel_alt) 397.64 1 1 397.64 397.64 397.64 669.36 1 100.00 0 2024-09-18 0.00
2. im liquid smooth (chakk) 175.58 1 1 175.58 175.58 175.58 421.40 1 100.00 1 2019-09-04 0.00
3. Sean Wrona (arenasnow) 175.09 2 1 168.41 168.41 175.09 808.38 2 100.00 2 2019-08-30 3.97
4. (poke1) 137.56 1 1 137.56 137.56 137.56 142.15 1 100.00 1 2024-01-16 0.00
5. (delirious) 126.94 2 2 126.94 126.94 133.01 520.68 1 50.00 1 2019-09-02 4.78
6. Shoemaker-Levy 9 (atthetop) 119.05 10 3 113.99 113.99 138.22 2,257.24 5 50.00 6 2019-10-22 11.49
7. โ›ง๐Ÿฆ‡๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿฆ‡โ›ง ... 113.95 12 4 113.93 118.43 139.02 1,247.86 9 75.00 3 2020-06-12 14.54
8. pausechamp (dindondoe) 109.27 2 1 106.89 106.89 109.27 513.06 1 50.00 2 2022-11-20 2.23
9. deja vu (zight554) 109.26 4 2 108.83 108.83 116.73 971.85 3 75.00 2 2022-03-04 4.93
10. police (styrofoam) 105.28 11 6 103.73 105.67 123.94 2,015.49 5 45.45 4 2022-06-06 11.98
11. โ™ ๏ธ lastofspades (lastof... 103.61 6 2 100.24 100.24 104.79 1,300.50 3 50.00 4 2021-11-14 3.52
12. derusting (paradoxpigeon) 100.34 2 1 99.54 99.54 100.34 477.81 2 100.00 2 2019-08-30 0.80
13. blehhhh :3 (cloudjumper) 100.20 52 6 92.50 107.32 112.06 7,565.89 28 53.85 9 2023-11-07 12.35
14. Amen [Dvorak-Trainee] (amun) 96.98 34 6 88.71 102.88 110.93 5,090.99 21 61.76 20 2023-10-20 13.57
15. (keegant) 96.85 5 5 96.85 96.85 107.08 813.25 2 40.00 4 2019-11-01 10.12
16. G (reburm) 94.43 8 7 97.96 97.96 131.15 1,132.09 5 62.50 4 2024-07-30 22.12
17. chasing (chasingfastpoker9995) 93.94 9 4 97.64 97.64 110.53 1,235.14 6 66.67 5 2022-11-14 9.98
18. Jacob (vanosgaming2014) 93.71 1 1 93.71 93.71 93.71 224.90 1 100.00 1 2021-09-20 0.00
19. Nick (uncreativeboi) 93.24 2 2 93.24 93.24 100.91 386.24 1 50.00 2 2020-08-13 8.23
20. ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ (gospell) 91.56 10 6 80.15 80.15 103.14 1,157.19 8 80.00 6 2023-04-04 21.35
21. (zak389) 88.56 9 7 84.48 84.48 134.23 1,063.13 5 55.56 4 2024-09-27 26.08
22. (ginoo75) 87.45 1 1 87.45 87.45 87.45 147.20 0 0.00 1 2021-04-29 0.00
23. Jon (jonsport) 86.61 10 6 84.87 84.87 98.94 1,318.01 7 70.00 10 2022-11-20 9.12
24. Ibrahim (ibrahimtyper) 86.08 7 4 80.23 80.23 98.37 956.10 4 57.14 4 2024-07-08 11.92
25. A strange kind of beautiful... 84.77 2 2 84.77 84.77 85.76 343.99 1 50.00 2 2019-09-02 1.17
26. Alexander (best_11_year_old) 84.69 10 5 84.55 84.55 108.09 1,369.48 4 40.00 5 2023-02-08 17.71
27. Gyro (gyrosyn) 81.04 2 2 81.03 81.04 85.08 175.30 1 50.00 1 2020-06-15 4.99
28. eric (ericliu04) 81.00 1 1 81.00 81.00 81.00 194.39 1 100.00 1 2021-01-12 0.00
29. dylan_9802 (dylan_9802) 80.02 1 1 80.02 80.02 80.02 192.05 1 100.00 1 2019-12-30 0.00
30. โ›“Unchained Worldโ›“ (ahki... 78.93 4 2 73.93 73.93 81.56 403.19 1 25.00 3 2022-01-28 8.62
31. tstats[siriusvega] (siriusv... 77.94 1 1 77.94 77.94 77.94 131.20 1 100.00 1 2021-09-16 0.00
32. (sputype) 77.90 3 2 77.20 77.20 80.37 501.79 1 33.33 3 2020-07-23 2.91
33. Emily (emilywhat) 75.92 1 1 75.92 75.92 75.92 150.57 1 100.00 1 2023-07-18 0.00
34. baconman (baconman42) 75.82 1 1 75.82 75.82 75.82 126.37 1 100.00 0 2024-08-29 0.00
35. (atorpy) 75.49 8 5 71.73 71.74 82.81 950.78 3 37.50 4 2022-05-19 10.46
36. A (processivity) 75.20 1 1 75.20 75.20 75.20 126.59 1 100.00 0 2024-04-11 0.00
37. Dal (astronerd) 74.89 1 1 74.89 74.89 74.89 179.73 1 100.00 1 2021-11-22 0.00
38. typeO (otaku_ish) 74.76 2 2 74.76 74.76 78.91 308.24 1 50.00 2 2022-03-25 5.55
39. Arnold (arnoldchewbacca) 73.77 2 2 73.77 73.77 86.51 310.35 1 50.00 2 2021-10-30 17.28
40. Swiatoslaw (swiatoslaw) 73.27 46 8 68.45 81.17 90.44 4,382.12 17 36.96 0 2024-12-04 12.98
41. lyndhurst (lyndhurst) 73.16 5 3 70.94 70.94 79.97 727.74 2 40.00 0 2024-10-17 8.13
42. joel (palmfruit380) 71.96 4 4 71.95 71.96 84.56 495.20 2 50.00 4 2023-10-21 14.52
43. Carter (thecartel) 71.27 10 6 66.93 66.93 79.53 1,095.50 5 50.00 5 2023-07-30 12.14
44. Akribane (aaakribane131) 70.76 11 6 71.46 72.91 79.63 1,003.26 1 9.09 7 2024-03-24 10.36
45. N (natejam) 69.30 2 2 69.30 69.30 76.10 208.68 0 0.00 1 2021-07-05 9.82
46. magdalainn (magdalainn) 68.12 2 2 68.12 68.12 78.60 179.92 1 50.00 0 2024-09-05 15.38
47. Emierin (emierin) 67.69 4 4 67.69 67.69 72.94 393.75 2 50.00 0 2024-10-07 4.92
48. ใคใน (tube_jp) 67.65 1 1 67.65 67.65 67.65 112.76 1 100.00 1 2023-12-27 0.00
49. Adam (adamsyaq) 67.50 5 5 67.50 67.50 81.75 564.91 4 80.00 5 2022-01-22 11.01
50. omandawi (omandawi) 67.12 1 1 67.12 67.12 67.12 133.13 1 100.00 1 2023-10-16 0.00