Text #4660024

If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead have the courage to change it the way you want it to be.

—from Naruto Shippuden, a book by Masashi Kishimoto

Active since January 3, 2021.
113 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 1,698
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. discord.gg/typeracer (landa... 187.73 99% 2021-04-21
2. Supporting Israel (zombiesw... 181.16 95% 2023-01-19
3. Tokii (suzu) 176.31 99% 2021-01-10
4. what a bunch of hippy dippy... 163.24 100% 2021-01-14
5. 🧀 Chez (super_not_pro) 162.55 100% 2021-09-23
6. ASourMango (asourmango) 155.68 100% 2021-01-16
7. (nonquit_omega) 155.20 99% 2022-07-07
8. YaoXPS (yaoxps) 153.46 99% 2021-06-08
9. Free Palestine (alakazaifa) 152.60 100% 2021-03-01
10. tstats[zuckinburg] (zuckinb... 150.43 99% 2022-06-12
11. blep (cloudjumper) 147.52 99% 2023-06-25
12. Neel (ravastar) 146.69 98% 2021-03-04
13. jude (judepls) 146.63 100% 2021-01-18
14. waugh (waugh) 146.50 100% 2021-03-18
15. J (phoriiak) 146.07 100% 2022-05-06
16. g (gamamer) 144.55 98.3% 2023-11-17
17. Igeneous (igeneous) 144.16 100% 2021-09-21
18. Falions (falions) 143.14 98% 2022-04-09
19. peacefulseven (winterpro) 141.22 99% 2021-01-04
20. Shu (mitsukimoon) 141.19 99% 2021-01-12
21. dva main (thedragonemperor) 140.62 99% 2021-01-11
22. Fametime (fametime) 139.87 98% 2022-10-27
23. sky (lumihime) 139.42 99% 2021-11-03
24. Marm (slayerxy) 139.26 99% 2021-04-22
25. tuvibal (tuvibal) 137.90 98% 2023-09-28
26. Haoming (hm_002) 137.75 100% 2024-03-24
27. BryBry (lolimeth) 136.42 100% 2021-01-22
28. 800 (roadto700cpm) 134.71 100% 2021-02-12
29. wandering (crusherxf) 134.40 99% 2024-07-13
30. my hands hurt (plkshizuku) 133.70 100% 2021-01-07


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Anime 2,304 70.84 January 3, 2021
Default (English) 31 146.91 December 20, 2023