TypeRacer Data serves as a supplemental, third-party information center for TypeRacer.
There are currently 580,727 accounts and 203,539,655 races indexed in this database, for an average of 350 races per account. There are 44,153 distinct texts across 214 universes.
Please send any questions about the website to Noah, its creator and maintainer. You can reach him at noah.horn@gmail.com, or by logging on to the TypeRacer Discord server.
We continue to offer thanks to Sean Wrona, who hosted this website for several years, and indexed the first several hundred texts. We also thank Michael DeRoche, who indexed the next thousand texts.
How does the text bests stat work?
The text bests takes each text that the user has raced, finds their top score for each text, and averages those together. Whenever a user achieves a new personal best on a text, his or her text bests will improve.
What about difficulty rating and relative speed?
How does the marathon stat work?
The marathon is any consecutive period of 24 hours during which a user completed the most races. This period could start at any moment.
When do the Texts, Months, and Universes pages get updated? When do my marathon and best last 10 get updated?
Why don't some of my races show up?
Prior to 2013, a very small number of individual races did not get exported by TypeRacer, so this site can't collect them. We don't know why this happened. You can find out exactly which ones are missing using the skipped race checker, though this serves purely as an informative tool and won't help to get the races back. Some statistics remain unaffected by this, and others do get affected.
Have you added every TypeRacer account to this website?
No. Unless someone imports an account manually, we don't know about the account. TypeRacer does not provide a complete export of its database. You can help us out by importing accounts.
How do I access TypeRacer's API?
Via these API access points: