Text #4270013

I can well imagine an atheist's last words: "White, white! L-L-Love! My God!" -and the deathbed leap of faith. Whereas the agnostic, if he stays true to his reasonable self, if he stays beholden to dry, yeastless factuality, might try to explain the warm light bathing him by saying, "Possibly a f-f-failing oxygenation of the b-b-brain," and, to the very end, lack imagination and miss the better story.

—from Life of Pi, a book by Yann Martel

Active since December 13, 2023.
404 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. MyckasP (myckasp) 119.24 100% 2025-02-01
2. (zak389) 105.69 96.9% 2024-06-26
3. Swiatoslaw (swiatoslaw) 90.44 99% 2024-12-03
4. G (reburm) 83.20 97% 2024-07-30
5. Emierin (emierin) 72.94 96% 2024-10-07
6. lara (tiredtypist707) 69.68 94% 2024-10-31
7. darsh0106 (mynamekaa) 69.51 98% 2024-03-23
8. Roy (royrivera) 56.75 96% 2024-11-06
9. Muji (mujisu) 54.86 95% 2024-01-06
10. SON KAKAROT™ ^o^👌✔ (... 51.18 91% 2025-01-04


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 107 79.95 November 28, 2023
Really Hard Texts 4 73.43 December 13, 2023