Ab-ca-def-gi-jeckle-mi-nop-kwer-stoov-wix-iz; it's the most remarkable word I've ever seen! Ab-ca-def-gi-jeckle-mi-nop-kwer-stoov-wix-iz; I wish I knew exactly what I mean. It starts out like an "A" word as anyone can see, but somewhere in the middle it gets awful "QR" to me. Ab-ca-def-gi-jeckle-mi-nop-kwer-stoov-wix-iz; if I ever find out just what this word can mean, I'll be the smartest bird the world has ever seen!
—from ABC-DEF-GHI, a song by Jon Stone, Joe Raposo
Active since February 12, 2020.
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Universe | Races | Average WPM | First Race |
Really Hard Texts | 42 | 81.10 | February 12, 2020 |