Text #1970845

On July 4, 1776, the 56 delegates of the Second Continental Congress approved and signed what we now know as the Declaration of Independence.

—from American Revolution Eyewitness Books, a book by Stuart Murray

Active since August 27, 2012.
141 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. Luke (brvhrt1005) 59.50 87% 2013-02-07
2. Martin (de_jesus) 23.69 96% 2012-08-27


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Smoke Rise Prep 18 43.38 February 25, 2016
Ygnacio Valley Christian School 16 37.70 January 31, 2017
Walsh Middle School 12 30.07 September 9, 2011
Mrs. Wunschel's TypeRacer Universe 3 39.50 August 27, 2012
bps 1 26.96 June 18, 2020