Text analysis for Paul (datboi26)

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Rank Text Best WPM Overall Difficulty Relative Speed Text Length Races Average WPM Last race
1. Imagine thinking as long as you watch anime, you're a anime ... 63.77 1.0497 0.1341 270 1 63.77 2021-02-28
2. The phrase "it's just a game" is such a weak mindset. You ar... 53.63 0.9987 0.0148 260 1 53.63 2021-02-28
3. Babe, I'm breaking up with you. It's not you, you were pogge... 50.49 0.9815 -0.0399 254 1 50.49 2021-02-28
4. Now let's say hypothetically I was the impostor. How would I... 48.85 1.0006 -0.0764 256 1 48.85 2021-02-28
5. I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referri... 46.76 0.9219 0.0087 388 1 46.76 2021-02-28