police (styrofoam)

Race #4

View Pit Stop page for race #4 by styrofoamGhost race

View profile for police (styrofoam)

Official speed 97.89 wpm (73.31 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start September 1, 2019 5:35:34am UTC
Race Finish September 1, 2019 5:36:48am UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 194.15
Text #4270003 (Length: 598 characters)

On my box I have Paul C Productions - or was it Prince Paul, Bomb Squad Productions? Marley Marl and the 45 King of Chill, Cool V and the Biz Markie. DJ Man, Mr. Mix, Beatmaster Clay D., Red Alert, Chuck Chillout on the mix; Smooth B., Just Ice, Skinny Boys, Hard Knocks, Scratch on Galaxy and the master Funkbox. What about Orange Krush, Dr. Dre on Surgery, Doug E. Fresh or Chill Will or Barry Bee? Walkman flavor, I'm listening to Freshco and Miz Barsha, MC Lyte, Milk D and Giz; Chill Rob G and T La Rock, Charizma, Big L, Biggie and 2Pac and Scott La Rock. I know rap, my man - I mean hip hop.