xmesty (xmesty)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 24, 4:01:01pm UTC)
Races 253
Best last 10 races 137.39 wpm
Best single race 156.95 wpm
Average of fastest races
148.62 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 127.2382 wpm (188 total texts raced)
Wins 166 (65.61%)
Points 2,044.48
Average career speed 127.07 wpm
Accuracy 100%
100% accuracy races 127.07 wpm (100% of all races)
Career standard deviation 8.89 wpm
Coefficient of variation 6.99%
Top marathon 67 races in 24 hours, starting 2012 December 2, 3:39am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
August 2023 131.04 131.04 1 1 100
September 2022 129.34 138.82 7 7 100
May 2022 126.85 126.85 1 1 100
December 2020 128.46 150.06 13 10 76.92
August 2019 118.32 118.32 1 0 0
June 2016 129.08 129.08 1 1 100
October 2014 130.19 144.10 25 20 80.00
August 2013 132.62 139.34 4 3 75.00
July 2013 129.87 148.33 23 15 65.22
June 2013 134.03 141.59 4 3 75.00
December 2012 126.71 156.95 136 80 58.82
November 2012 122.36 136.72 37 25 67.57
List last races
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
253. 2023-08-10 20:47:19 131.04 Can you feel the sunshine? Does it brighten up your day? Don... Win (1 of 3) 100% 94
252. 2022-09-28 14:38:47 131.60 Mankind doesn't need warfare and bloodshed to prove itself. ... Win (1 of 3) 100% 81
251. 2022-09-28 14:35:39 138.82 And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves grow... Win (1 of 3) 100% 83
250. 2022-09-01 16:21:26 131.59 You shared something horrible with me, gave me no time to pr... Win (1 of 3) 100% 72
249. 2022-09-01 16:16:57 136.74 Are you even listening? Look at me! These kids believe in yo... Win (1 of 3) 100% 146
248. 2022-09-01 16:12:19 123.30 Pick one word for one abstract concept and stick with it. Fo... Win (1 of 2) 100% 158
247. 2022-09-01 16:09:18 125.13 No matter how a program twists and turns to get out of itsel... Win (1 of 3) 100% 100
246. 2022-09-01 16:07:53 118.21 And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give oth... Win (1 of 3) 100% 61
245. 2022-05-18 20:31:08 126.85 I thought I had it all together, but I was led astray the da... Win (1 of 2) 100% 78
244. 2020-12-22 19:44:53 146.42 In a business like this the people with the power are the on... Win (1 of 3) 100% 66
243. 2020-12-16 20:53:37 128.87 But something stronger than death was summoning him, compell... Win (1 of 2) 100% 82
242. 2020-12-16 20:52:39 132.97 No! Fool that I am! I should have remembered! Those slippers... Win (1 of 2) 100% 93
241. 2020-12-16 20:51:13 132.81 I have not much hope that Gollum can be cured before he dies... Win (1 of 3) 100% 151
240. 2020-12-16 20:49:27 117.30 Without some flexibility in our definitions we'll remain for... Win (1 of 2) 100% 43
239. 2020-12-16 20:48:40 112.72 Susie, if you want to see your doll again, leave $100 in thi... Win (1 of 4) 100% 64
238. 2020-12-16 20:47:05 127.66 Soon I'll be sixty years old, my daddy got sixty-one. Rememb... Win (1 of 3) 100% 94
237. 2020-12-16 20:45:00 133.38 Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. T... No win (2 of 2) 100% 82
236. 2020-12-16 20:43:12 150.06 You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world where... Win (1 of 3) 100% 78
235. 2020-12-16 20:35:05 128.33 Now I lay me down to sleep, pray the Lord my soul to keep; i... Win (1 of 2) 100% 116
234. 2020-12-16 20:31:36 119.78 I'm the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It's a... Win (1 of 3) 100% 84


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 2,175 171.01 124.88 693 April 7, 2024
Instant Death Mode 253 156.95 127.24 188 August 10, 2023
Coder Edition 9 66.79 58.78 7 December 3, 2012
Video Games 7 142.01 124.41 5 December 22, 2020
Dictionary 2 167.04 162.03 2 September 15, 2022
Family Guy Quotes 1 94.75 94.75 1 April 3, 2015