police (styrofoam)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 26, 12:26:49am UTC)
Races 10
Best last 10 races 141.87 wpm
Best single race 158.72 wpm
Average of fastest races
141.87 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 141.871 wpm (10 total texts raced)
Wins 0 (0%)
Points 1,250.76
Average career speed 141.87 wpm
Accuracy 98.4%
100% accuracy races 158.72 wpm (10% of all races)
Career standard deviation 10.87 wpm
Coefficient of variation 7.66%
Top marathon 10 races in 24 hours, starting 2020 February 12, 8:16pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
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Last 10 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
10. 2020-02-12 20:24:30 131.61 Good games offer players a set of challenging problems and t... No win (1 of 1) 97% 46
9. 2020-02-12 20:21:24 147.44 The time has come for man to set himself a goal. The time ha... No win (1 of 1) 98% 202
8. 2020-02-12 20:20:46 158.72 I have quit three jobs and been fired from all the rest. Get... No win (1 of 1) 100% 138
7. 2020-02-12 20:20:19 131.45 How many roads must a man walk down before you call him a ma... No win (1 of 1) 97% 131
6. 2020-02-12 20:19:27 144.67 We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control... No win (1 of 1) 99% 135
5. 2020-02-12 20:18:57 120.17 But, pray how could that which I spoke so many years ago, an... No win (1 of 1) 97% 106
4. 2020-02-12 20:18:23 144.38 With no map to navigate one's life, some of us have stood st... No win (1 of 1) 99% 144
3. 2020-02-12 20:17:26 145.98 Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other, a... No win (1 of 1) 99% 109
2. 2020-02-12 20:16:59 154.02 There's a piece of Maria in every song that I sing. And the ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 139
1. 2020-02-12 20:16:02 140.27 The most precious treasures we have in life are the images w... No win (1 of 1) 99% 101


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 49,093 244.76 144.93 7,934 June 12, 2024
Instant Death Mode 7,601 237.34 158.12 7,193 June 18, 2024
Coder Edition 175 140.20 79.79 23 June 12, 2022
Inspirational Quotes 43 193.40 153.37 41 June 15, 2023
Indonesian 35 89.26 81.13 31 June 8, 2022
Comic Books 33 178.76 151.61 30 October 11, 2022
Anime 32 186.35 152.57 30 July 10, 2023
Comedian Central 30 175.78 150.42 29 October 11, 2022
Temporary Indonesian Universe #2 30 228.51 160.30 21 June 12, 2022
breaking news 27 248.42 123.08 21 June 12, 2022
Book Contest 27 153.44 132.79 25 June 13, 2022
Lady Gaga 26 185.23 153.81 25 June 13, 2022
Home of 2020's New Texts 26 180.19 149.17 26 June 12, 2022
Nowe teksty po polsku 26 155.58 58.82 21 June 13, 2022
Dictionary 25 179.95 160.16 25 June 26, 2023
iPhone App Test Universe 25 182.89 160.83 7 June 6, 2022
Halo 24 177.90 140.23 24 June 12, 2022
Mobile 23 182.81 159.62 20 June 11, 2022
Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia 23 94.57 83.38 19 June 11, 2022
GNiK's Lair 23 155.54 133.25 15 June 11, 2022
Puns 21 169.34 145.27 20 June 11, 2022
Cheating Universe 21 10,000.00 1,888.88 13 June 11, 2022
Family Guy Quotes 21 155.73 129.64 21 June 12, 2022
TypeRacer Classic 20 173.79 146.76 20 July 10, 2023
Take Note 20 154.37 136.52 17 June 11, 2022
Repeating Words 17 224.56 168.77 13 June 30, 2023
Dutch 17 132.40 93.73 16 July 19, 2021
New Italian Texts 17 108.13 85.05 16 June 11, 2022
Valikor's Typeracer 16 146.59 120.55 10 June 12, 2022
Dr. Seuss Content 15 170.81 144.14 13 October 11, 2022
belinday 15 152.48 111.76 6 June 11, 2022
Bible (NKJV) 15 182.81 142.96 14 June 11, 2022
Easy Texts 15 170.39 151.11 14 February 13, 2019
Noah 13 152.07 122.22 4 June 6, 2022
13 187.47 174.54 12 June 26, 2023
Jon's Universe. Quack! 13 277.71 139.11 7 February 15, 2019
Marathon 12 144.21 123.29 10 May 10, 2023
Welsh 12 87.42 72.66 11 March 19, 2019
Kung Fu Panda 12 168.42 156.39 6 June 6, 2022
Calvin and Hobbes 11 179.82 149.67 8 December 23, 2022
Espanol 11 85.69 75.02 11 June 16, 2022
Movies 11 152.34 142.41 11 March 25, 2021
Nitro type 11 162.66 147.10 2 June 6, 2022
Really Hard Texts 11 123.94 105.28 6 June 6, 2022
New Italian Texts 11 104.46 83.97 9 June 6, 2022
andrea's spanish texts 11 193.08 170.19 2 June 6, 2022
Deutsch Wörterbuch 11 111.40 99.25 3 June 6, 2022
My Lan Group 11 130.43 101.68 7 June 11, 2022
613 Mitzvahs 10 165.59 142.38 8 February 5, 2021
Hip Hop Hits 10 159.81 144.36 10 February 1, 2021
Harry Potter 10 164.51 137.43 10 December 12, 2020
NewSpanishTexts 10 108.61 83.04 10 November 18, 2020
timjeffery44 10 159.31 146.62 7 November 18, 2020
Star Wars 10 152.80 138.51 9 January 23, 2021
Portal 2 10 155.18 141.86 9 December 4, 2020
Nintendo 10 147.58 137.62 10 February 5, 2021
Jokes 10 161.64 144.40 10 December 7, 2020
New Vietnamese Texts 10 52.56 46.93 2 June 4, 2022
Srbija 10 97.94 71.25 9 November 19, 2020
613 Mitzvahs 10 176.38 148.03 8 December 15, 2020
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 10 165.62 142.72 9 November 18, 2020
Copypasta 10 151.52 139.92 10 February 5, 2021
Simplified Chinese 10 233.72 177.92 3 February 22, 2022
Belarusian 10 71.42 62.27 3 June 2, 2022
Bulgarian 10 103.35 96.57 3 June 2, 2022
Greek 10 74.41 64.51 3 June 2, 2022
Korean 10 73.78 65.88 4 June 1, 2022
Russian 10 108.17 94.50 3 June 1, 2022
Serbian (Cyrillic) 10 97.66 94.61 3 June 2, 2022
Thai 10 67.09 63.66 2 June 4, 2022
Ukrainian 10 56.71 55.18 3 June 1, 2022
Yiddish 10 88.06 85.50 2 June 2, 2022
Traditional Chinese 10 173.43 163.41 4 June 4, 2022
Arabic 10 80.54 74.03 2 June 2, 2022
New Korean Texts / 한국어 10 64.09 62.66 2 June 2, 2022
The Simpsons 10 158.37 138.87 10 June 2, 2022
New Traditional Chinese Texts 10 181.60 181.60 1 June 6, 2022
Arabic 10 104.94 91.13 3 June 1, 2022
Persian 10 79.59 73.92 3 June 2, 2022
Feels Good Inc 10 186.60 123.03 2 March 25, 2021
TalkRacer 10 131.35 119.69 2 April 1, 2021
Haiku 10 164.63 143.12 8 April 13, 2021
All TypeRacer Texts 10 155.24 142.32 10 May 11, 2021
Português Instant Death Mode 10 89.22 81.02 10 July 17, 2021
Português Dictionary 10 81.31 73.79 10 July 17, 2021
⚙️ Modding Legacy 10 148.35 134.93 10 July 17, 2021
new italian texts 10 112.25 88.79 9 July 18, 2021
Rhymes 10 135.80 118.98 10 July 17, 2021
te66st 10 327.20 327.20 1 July 18, 2021
Italiano Dizionario TypeRacer 10 87.08 80.62 10 October 2, 2021
Japanese 10 216.39 214.55 2 February 22, 2022
Hebrew 10 80.19 74.35 3 June 2, 2022
Hindi 10 88.96 78.44 3 June 1, 2022
Malayalam / മലയാളം 10 51.70 48.17 2 June 4, 2022
Bible 10 153.30 137.09 10 January 31, 2019
Italian 10 84.67 69.77 9 February 2, 2019
Lithuanian 10 63.67 48.13 10 March 19, 2019
Latvian 10 64.35 55.31 10 March 19, 2019
Macedonian 10 28.84 25.38 10 March 22, 2019
Malay 10 84.99 81.45 9 March 19, 2019
Maltese 10 69.80 54.66 10 March 19, 2019
Norwegian 10 105.90 81.85 9 March 19, 2019
Polish 10 67.78 54.15 10 March 19, 2019
Portuguese 10 67.63 58.30 10 February 2, 2019
Romanian 10 55.77 46.97 10 March 19, 2019
Slovak 10 60.23 44.80 10 March 19, 2019
Slovenian 10 83.00 64.67 10 March 20, 2019
Albanian 10 50.75 43.90 10 February 2, 2019
Hungarian 10 59.64 47.69 10 March 19, 2019
Croatian 10 72.74 63.74 10 March 19, 2019
Galician 10 86.29 68.93 10 February 4, 2019
Championship 2017 10 141.14 121.26 3 March 19, 2019
dtt 10 135.92 114.29 4 November 18, 2020
TypeRacer for Kids 10 158.76 132.03 10 February 1, 2019
Afrikaans 10 90.86 84.64 8 February 2, 2019
Catalan 10 79.19 66.64 9 February 2, 2019
Czech 10 47.69 40.61 10 March 19, 2019
Danish 10 79.48 71.63 10 February 2, 2019
German 10 98.21 81.34 9 February 1, 2019
Spanish 10 83.34 68.01 10 February 2, 2019
Estonian 10 69.43 61.12 10 February 2, 2019
Finnish 10 70.05 58.94 10 February 4, 2019
French 10 69.87 61.72 10 February 1, 2019
Irish 10 71.63 58.26 9 March 19, 2019
Serbian (Latin) 10 77.39 68.75 10 March 19, 2019
New French Texts 10 87.93 76.57 10 November 19, 2020
ec0g0ds 10 147.56 131.33 10 February 12, 2020
VocabGenii 10 137.31 136.44 3 February 12, 2020
KeeganT's Universe 10 184.53 161.91 9 February 12, 2020
Long Texts 10 150.92 137.09 9 February 12, 2020
New English Texts 10 146.40 136.52 10 February 12, 2020
New Dutch Texts 10 103.46 90.80 6 February 12, 2020
Smoke Rise Prep 10 153.41 139.70 9 February 12, 2020
##typeracer 10 158.72 141.87 10 February 12, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 10 128.79 81.89 9 July 18, 2021
Dudiellon's Typeracer 10 79.52 70.81 10 November 18, 2020
Video Games 10 149.67 138.50 10 November 18, 2020
Lord of the Rings 10 156.27 145.33 10 November 18, 2020
Marathon Italian 10 110.03 88.91 5 November 19, 2020
andreaak 10 107.52 89.27 7 February 12, 2020
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 10 123.33 63.24 5 December 25, 2020
Numbers 10 30.91 25.99 9 February 12, 2020
Swedish 10 87.97 77.29 10 March 19, 2019
Swahili 10 81.56 75.71 10 March 19, 2019
Filipino 10 89.92 80.13 10 February 3, 2019
Turkish 10 44.93 37.47 9 March 19, 2019
Vietnamese 10 26.34 21.94 9 March 20, 2019
michaelderoche 10 161.44 143.14 10 February 1, 2019
Home of 2018's New Texts 10 155.79 139.41 10 March 19, 2019
Home of 2019's new texts 10 151.42 137.58 10 January 31, 2019
SAT Vocabulary 10 141.33 127.13 9 January 31, 2019
pastebin.com/yd47Y898 10 154.29 142.13 10 January 31, 2019
Sean Wrona's Universe 10 151.48 138.04 10 March 19, 2019
o4do0q2x8u 10 140.47 132.81 10 February 3, 2019
New Quotes 10 154.00 137.53 9 March 19, 2019
New English Texts Are Here 10 144.13 135.35 10 February 1, 2019
Huge Italian texts 3 82.26 82.26 1 June 9, 2022
3 160.13 147.71 3 November 20, 2023
House of Typing - September 2018 1 124.60 124.60 1 September 14, 2018
1 159.22 159.22 1 November 20, 2023
1 151.66 151.66 1 November 20, 2023
1 144.46 144.46 1 November 20, 2023
1 138.84 138.84 1 November 20, 2023
1 156.61 156.61 1 November 20, 2023
1 147.92 147.92 1 November 20, 2023
1 161.54 161.54 1 November 20, 2023