hahd (_kire_)

Country: Norway

Update races (Last import: 2024 February 29, 9:18:52pm UTC)
Races 68
Best last 10 races 154.21 wpm
Best single race 194 wpm
Average of fastest races
171.55 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 146.8866 wpm (32 total texts raced)
Wins 56 (82.35%)
Points 0.00
Average career speed 141.37 wpm
Accuracy 90.65%
100% accuracy races 187.48 wpm (4.41% of all races)
Career standard deviation 17.38 wpm
Coefficient of variation 12.3%
Top marathon 25 races in 24 hours, starting 2015 January 31, 1:43pm

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View text analysis of races by hahd (_kire_)


Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
March 2015 138.25 194.00 9 7 77.78
February 2015 143.02 177.20 33 32 96.97
January 2015 141.09 191.24 25 17 68.00
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
68. 2015-12-17 09:51:41 122.06 The problem is, Willie, is that Charles and yourself are not... No win (2 of 3) 85%
67. 2015-03-18 12:54:35 132.67 To an outsider's ear it sounds absurdly wild and ridiculous ... Win (1 of 3) 95%
66. 2015-03-18 12:53:56 132.67 Valikor valikor valikor valikor valikor. Win (1 of 3) 83%
65. 2015-03-18 12:53:29 123.23 Be impeccable with your word - speak with integrity. Say onl... No win (2 of 3) 85%
64. 2015-03-18 12:52:45 135.44 The example of painting can teach us not only how to manage ... Win (1 of 3) 95%
63. 2015-03-18 12:52:00 125.33 I don't believe in an interventionist God, but I know, darli... No win (2 of 3) 95%
62. 2015-03-18 12:51:08 194.00 It was evident that he came from the world where men could s... Win (1 of 3) 100%
61. 2015-03-18 12:50:39 147.93 Music finds a comfortable parallel with that of human langua... Win (1 of 3) 96%
60. 2015-03-18 12:50:01 126.11 I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I al... Win (1 of 3) 91%
59. 2015-03-18 12:49:19 126.88 Comfortable, Mullet? It seems sadly ironic that it's that ti... Win (1 of 3) 93%
58. 2015-02-18 23:59:24 132.04 It was evident that he came from the world where men could s... Win (1 of 3) 95%
57. 2015-02-18 23:56:30 158.06 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 91%
56. 2015-02-18 23:55:58 122.36 Valikor valikor valikor valikor valikor. Win (1 of 3) 77%
55. 2015-02-18 23:54:55 144.45 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 88%
54. 2015-02-18 23:53:36 138.90 There is a trick for learning to type faster. That trick is ... Win (1 of 3) 95%
53. 2015-02-18 23:52:46 170.79 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 92%
52. 2015-02-18 23:51:32 166.27 There's a piece of Maria in every song that I sing. And the ... Win (1 of 3) 97%
51. 2015-02-18 23:50:22 157.44 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 94%
50. 2015-02-18 23:47:32 135.11 There's a piece of Maria in every song that I sing. And the ... Win (1 of 3) 88%
49. 2015-02-18 23:46:53 177.20 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 100%


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Easy Texts 68 194.00 146.89 32 December 17, 2015
Norwegian 10 167.18 140.33 10 February 28, 2016