Suryansu (suryansu)

Country: India

Update races (Last import: 2024 May 15, 3:41:41am UTC)
Races 12
Best last 10 races 63.44 wpm
Best single race 82.76 wpm
Average of fastest races
63.44 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 81.47 wpm (2 total texts raced)
Wins 7 (58.33%)
Points 0.00
Average career speed 57.31 wpm
Accuracy 88.75%
100% accuracy races 72.24 wpm (41.67% of all races)
Career standard deviation 19.64 wpm
Coefficient of variation 34.27%
Top marathon 8 races in 24 hours, starting 2016 December 28, 8:28am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
December 2016 57.31 82.76 12 7 58.33
List last races
List fastest races

Last 12 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
12. 2016-12-30 17:16:21 31.47 How about this text? How about this text? How about this tex... No win (3 of 3) 67%
11. 2016-12-30 17:15:47 21.80 Can you type fast? No win (3 of 3) 69%
10. 2016-12-30 17:14:58 44.29 Can you type fast? No win (3 of 3) 100%
9. 2016-12-30 17:14:28 52.95 How about this text? How about this text? How about this tex... No win (3 of 3) 87%
8. 2016-12-28 16:40:14 75.50 Can you type fast? Win (1 of 3) 100%
7. 2016-12-28 16:10:45 69.42 How about this text? How about this text? How about this tex... Win (1 of 3) 95%
6. 2016-12-28 16:10:17 61.52 Can you type fast? Win (1 of 3) 86%
5. 2016-12-28 08:33:22 80.18 Can you type fast? Win (1 of 3) 100%
4. 2016-12-28 08:31:08 82.76 How about this text? How about this text? How about this tex... Win (1 of 3) 100%
3. 2016-12-28 08:30:37 38.45 Can you type fast? No win (3 of 3) 78%
2. 2016-12-28 08:29:12 78.46 Can you type fast? Win (1 of 3) 100%
1. 2016-12-28 08:28:42 50.89 How about this text? How about this text? How about this tex... Win (1 of 3) 83%


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 1,447 118.48 75.86 891 February 8, 2018
Championship 2017 12 82.76 81.47 2 December 30, 2016