Texts missing for Eric (ek81)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
3090000 Why is that? The main reason is that you are swimming against the market's exist... 694 1,660 1.0305
3090001 Worthless, Impossible and Stupid (Worthless) is about how so many people from al... 349 1,459 1.0054
3090003 Worthless has two broad objectives: One is to catalyze entrepreneurial aspiratio... 315 1,219 0.9080
3090007 By the end of Worthless, I will challenge beliefs many of us have come to hold d... 256 1,579 0.9774
3090010 In 1999, at the age of 29 he took over the tiny, failing Actavis (under a differ... 373 1,075 0.8642
3090014 We will ask from time to time in Worthless where entrepreneurs get their ambitio... 392 1,229 0.9242
3090024 The main reason is that you are swimming against the market's existing current, ... 192 3,000 1.0764