Texts missing for Natascha (nutz@uwclub.net)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
0 This is a placeholder text. You are seeing it because there are no other texts a... 167 15 1.0675
2070000 Take Note is a notetaking and transcription company based in Angel, North London... 271 403 0.9827
2070001 What makes us different - the level of service you will receive. Our team is hig... 261 456 1.0087
2070002 The size of our team enables us to handle large projects quickly and our typists... 240 1,641 1.0049
2070004 My secret crush list could take some time says Cat. Becks will always have a pla... 305 1,813 0.9978
2070005 The house I grew up in was first in Salisbury and then we moved to Bristol aged ... 303 1,838 1.0283
2070006 You wouldn't know it but I'm very good at navigating my way around places. I hav... 231 1,794 0.9786
2070007 You may not know it but I'm no good at telling jokes! I can be telling the funni... 183 1,527 1.0232
2070008 La Basilica del Pilar, Zaragoza, Spain. It's AMAZING and a real hidden gem. 75 35 0.8313
2070009 Take Note is the home of a superabundant transcribing team (that means large vol... 272 1,694 1.0086
2070011 At Take Note, we constantly strive to provide you with exceptionally high qualit... 218 1,675 1.0105
2070012 This is not just typing. This is intelligent typing. We call it transcription. A... 252 1,645 0.9792
2070013 Summary Transcription : Where quality and quantity meet in the middle to provide... 269 1,539 0.9669
2070014 Notes and Quotes : Notes are the most condensed option of the three. Brief. Conc... 197 1,340 0.9394
2070015 Panic not. Is your secretary jetting off somewhere fancy for a few days or do yo... 256 1,729 1.0530
2070016 If the idea of becoming an exceptional home-based transcriber sounds appealing, ... 285 1,655 1.0015